kurleybrown said:
I have a Verizon card for my computer. (Cable Internet at home.) Unlimited for about $80/Month. I have been very happy with it. It works just about everywhere my verizon phone works and I have found it to be faster than dial up. I hear that they will have broadband service for it this fall.
I can only get dialup here in Clements (no DSL or Cable). Southern Maryland Wireless said I'm outside their range. I considered the "Verizon Card" but didn't know anyone using it (until I saw this message). Right now I get 28.8KB but would like to bump that pup up a bit. $80.00 sounds like a lot but I'm paying for a second line and ISP. That would pretty much take a big chunk out of that $80.00 a month. I hope you don't mind but I have a few questions...
1. You said that anyplace you can get Verizon (cell service) you can reach the InterNet - correct? In otherwords, if I'm in PA and I get a signal on my Verizon Cell Phone - I will be able to reach the InterNet using the Verizon Card?
2. When I was at Verizon (updating my cell phones) I saw the card but the flyer indicated that I would have to pay Verizon and then pay a ISP for access - I must have misread that - correct?
3. Anything I should be aware of before moving to the Verizon Card?
4. Verizon offers (on the web) three cards - any suggestions?
5. I hang on the InterNet for long periods of time (updating sites, etc) - do I use up "minutes?" Is there any time limitations? I just went to Verizon and would you believe they are updating (smile) so that page isn't available.
Sure hope you don't mind all these questions!