Some people shouldn't own pets



I was in walmart (california) today and an announcement came over the speaker will the owner of a Ford Focus Liscense plates XXXXXX go to the parking lot, your dog needs immediate attention. As hot and sunny as it is today I cant believe anyone would do that to a dog. :smack:


OMG some people are idiots... Even cracking a window in this heat wouldn't be enough for the poor pooch. I hope the poor thing is okay.


Well-Known Member
Me too-can't figger folks! :banghead:
Coulda been worse-coulda had the kids in the truck like the gal busted in VA while at WallyWorld!
I figger the law oughta make the owner sit in the vehicle with the winders rolled up and engine turned off.
Oh-but nooooo, that would be cruel and unusual punishment! :bawl:


czygvtwkr said:
I was in walmart (california) today and an announcement came over the speaker will the owner of a Ford Focus Liscense plates XXXXXX go to the parking lot, your dog needs immediate attention. As hot and sunny as it is today I cant believe anyone would do that to a dog. :smack:

I was in there buying oil for my car when i heard that. kida make me wanna hit that owner