Someone gets it right -


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
"It occurred to me...that 'illegal immigration' is an oxymoron. If it's immigration, it is not illegal, and if they are here illegally they are not immigrants, are they? Maybe it's time that a more accurate term be coined to describe these people. I'll start the process -- how about 'foreign trespassers?'" --Ron Olliff

Larry Gude

Strung Out
The distinction is not worth...

...the diversion of attention.

Legal or not there are certainly immigrating.

'Gun Control' would be more accurately label 'Constitution Destroyers'.

Illegal immigrant does the trick for me.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Larry Gude said:
...the diversion of attention.

Legal or not there are certainly immigrating.

'Gun Control' would be more accurately label 'Constitution Destroyers'.

Illegal immigrant does the trick for me.
Just to put this into perspective, when the "iron curtain" was still up, illegals were often shot on sight by the "iron curtain" countries. People that come into the United States illegally are invaders.


Well-Known Member
Look around...what is it that stifles hope, causes apathy, promotes innaction and generally discourages capitalistic thrift....


Yes...have a border; BUT: by carefully tracking the illegals...we could treat them like normal US citizens! 10 hours of tax forms on April 14, dozens of forms for buying a car, house, applying for a grant. Endless litigation for insurance claims...delayed justice for deadbeat Dads...countless regulations to start a new business etc.

This would be a perfect way to cause illegals to desire to return to their dull unregulated Latin American tin shacks. Heck, have them stand in the MVA office in three different lines for two hours then tell them to come back in two weeks and they will be ready to swim back across the Rio.

Don't threaten the illegals.....treat them like the Bureacrats treat us!


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Sheding a little light on illegals.


... in an effort to help you bring greater clarity and understanding to the border crisis when discussing it with friends and family, we dispel some of the more popular half-truths and lies being told about the illegal immigration crisis.

++Myth #1--Illegal aliens pay taxes that benefit our economy

Not true. Most illegals are paid in cash and therefore pay no taxes. Even in instances where they do pay taxes (only possible if they use a fraudulent social security number or tax ID) they don't pay enough to cover their expenses. A visit to any L.A. County maternity ward will give you ample proof of this. There thousands of women each year have babies free of charge (and many return to have more). Additionally, the vast majority learn who to use the system to acquire food stamps and financial assistance.

++ Myth #2--Illegals come to the U.S. for jobs to support their families back in their homeland.

This is partly true. However record numbers of those illegally crossing the borders are women and children! What's more, there are also record numbers of dead-beat dads who simply abandon their families.

++ Myth #3--Illegals don't affect politics because they can't vote

Not true. The fact that they are counted in the census gives them political power. Since representatives in Congress are fixed, it creates a situation in state's that have a heavy influence of illegals. Those "illegals" will likely be represented. As such, it takes away representation from people in other states--people who are here legally.

++ Myth #4--Illegals do the work that Americans won't do

Not true. Americans will do the work provided they are paid a reasonable wage. But profit-greedy employers and corporations are increasingly favoring cheap labor. Their profits soar, but at the expense of American taxpayers who have to subsidize the labor costs by supplying the illegal workforce (and their families) with welfare, education, medical, housing assistance. Employers of these people simply turn a deaf ear.

++ Myth #5--Illegal Immigration doesn't really affect me

Not true. As we have reported in the past, in non-border states like Connecticut, North Carolina, Georgia and New Jersey, illegal immigration is rampant. That means in each of these states, benefits allocated to citizens are being taxed and stressed by illegal infiltration. If the problem becomes severe enough (as in California and Arizona) those services dry up. In both L.A., and Tucson, AZ hospitals have been forced to close due to the incredible strain of illegals.