Someone needs to remind these people...


This Space for Rent
that the federal government is the one with the authority to call up and use military units from wherever it deems fit in this country...


They can push for what they want, but its not their decision.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
It is, after all, the home state of Howard "the scream" Dean.

Of course they do have open carry with no permit, so they are not all bad. :lmao:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Becky Cozzens, who teaches kindergarten, says she's already changed her mind. Had Town Meeting Day been three months ago, when her son, Josh, was still in Iraq, when she and her husband refused to turn on their television set, she'd have voted for anything that might get him home sooner.

But at the meeting Tuesday, she will vote "no." "I'm unsure about the way it started," she says of the war. But Josh has convinced her that a no vote is the right thing to do. "A year ago," she says, "it would have been different."

:clap: Go, Josh! :patriot:


I think it's interesting to see who wants to cut and run when the going gets tough. Once Iraq settles down and all the anti-Bush hoopla goes away, these same scumbags are all going to want to be on the float at the victory parade, and I hope people take note and long remember who the defeatists were.


New Member
Now I don't agree with the conclusion of the Vermonters that participated in the Town Hall day, but I must say that I do not believe that they should be negatively portrayed for taking civic action to articulate their opinion on the Iraqi matter...after all, their decision has no binding authority and can only be an opinion; no harm, no foul.


Lovin' being Texican
Hey, rraley, what if they're stupid?

rraley said:
no harm, no foul.

Ms. Heidi Racht said:
"But I feel we have a state National Guard that's in Iraq and shouldn't be there. People who went into the Guard thought they would be doing things like floods. They weren't expecting to go and be part of an army fighting a war.
If they were joining in order to do things like floods they would have joined the RED CROSS. Joining the military means you are preparing to do things like wars! DOH!

And these are the people being given headline status in the MSM? THAT'S the problem with this nut-head plot.