Something New About Teddy



I've been watching Ted Kennedy's latest appearances on the talking heads shows, and I've noticed a change... he's a solo act now. It used to be that he would be on to spout his nonsense in the presence of more rational minds, now he's on all by himself.

I wonder if the change is because of no one wanting to associate with him, or because he refuses to come on any show where he might be directly challenged? By the tone of the questions Russert was asking today, I'm thinking it's the former.

Bustem' Down

Give Peas a Chance
Bruzilla said:
I've been watching Ted Kennedy's latest appearances on the talking heads shows, and I've noticed a change... he's a solo act now. It used to be that he would be on to spout his nonsense in the presence of more rational minds, now he's on all by himself.

I wonder if the change is because of no one wanting to associate with him, or because he refuses to come on any show where he might be directly challenged? By the tone of the questions Russert was asking today, I'm thinking it's the former.
I see Ted Kennedy like I see Strom Thurmond. He's only elected because he's Ted Kennedy. I know a lot of Democrats that don't like him.