Something Smells Foul



I was gazing at the posts at DU and saw a lot of talk about some guy who claims to have seen Kerry setting fire to Vietnemese huts during the war... with a zippo no less. Kerry was a slick political hack before he went to the war, and there's no way he would ever have done that. No way.

I'm thinking this story is being started by the Dems as a means to cast doubt on the true stories coming out about Kerry's time in the Navy. Show that one story is a phony and it makes it easier to say that they are all phony. It worked for Clinton on the Jennifer Flowers escpapades, so I think they're hoping that lightning will strike twice.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Hi Bruzilla! :huggy:

Who knows what these wackos are thinking? Once I saw Kerry's campaign guy quoted as berating the Bushies for bringing race into politics, I figure anything is possible.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Hey Bruz!

The Kerry brain trust is probably doing that very thing.

The DNC could not have gone into this not knowing, as they surely knew, that Kerry had been lying about his service record AND not have a plan to polish that turd.

Kerry is turning out to be one seriously flawed customer in public now and it makes for interesting reading in forums and listening on TV to read and hear people who made such a strenuous case for the virtues of dodging the draft not long ago now promote the virtues of combat, the fog of war and of having murdered a fleeing enemy.

Ah, the modern liberal. They make Chameleons blush.


Kerry 04: Only Killin' them that needs killin!

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Well if you can trust transcripts from old TV shows here are Kerry’s words while debating with John O’Neill on war-crimes committed in Vietnam while on the Dick Cavett Show in 1971.

MR. KERRY: “Well, I have often talked about this subject. I personally didn't see personal atrocities in the sense that I saw somebody cut a head off or something like that. However, I did take part in free fire zones and I did take part in harassment interdiction fire. I did take part in search-and-destroy missions in which the houses of noncombatants were burned to the ground. And all of these, I find out later on, these acts are contrary to the Hague and Geneva Conventions and to the laws of warfare. So in that sense, anybody who took part in those, if you carry out the applications of the Nuremberg principles, is in fact guilty.”


Kerry also claimed to be in Cambodia on Christmas Day 1968 under the orders of Richard Nixon and we all know that that's a total load of bull. Kerry's no fool. If you read his pre-induction interviews it's easy to see that everything he did in Vietnam had a definative purpose. He wanted to be the new John Kennedy, he just wanted to make sure he didn't get injured like Kennedy did. There's just no way that a guy like that would be involved in an act that all of his pals in the peace movement back home would crucify him for. He was fully wired into that movement and he wouldn't compromise that connection.

This whole deal reads just like a rehash of Carvel's running around saying that all of the Flowers recordings were fake because a couple of them were. If they want to debunk the stories coming out now there's one sure way to do it... cast doubt by starting some bogus stories of your own.


Nothing to see here
Originally posted by Bruzilla
If they want to debunk the stories coming out now there's one sure way to do it... cast doubt by starting some bogus stories of your own.

They are preaching to the choir, only giving the dur-hard members of the Dem party fodder. Kerry is losing the battle of the undecideds big-time right now and unless something major happens between now and election day, they won't unseat Dubya.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Bruzilla
Kerry also claimed to be in Cambodia on Christmas Day 1968 under the orders of Richard Nixon and we all know that that's a total load of bull.

Especially since, in December of 1968 ......

LYNDON JOHNSON was president!!

But this event was "seared....seared in me" Kerry says. You'd think that for such a pivotal event he could get his facts straight.