Son of the American Revolution dies while laying wreaths....


Ubi bene ibi patria

"Fred Kaffenberger Jr., 80, a member of the Sons of the American Revolution, while wearing the colonial attire and tri-corner hat of society members, died last week in Leavenworth National Cemetery while laying Christmas wreaths at the graves of veterans.

The details of Kaffenberger’s death, which have since gone viral, strike friends and family members as fitting.

“He went exactly the way he would have chosen to go,” said daughter Amber DiGiovanni.

The Sons of the American Revolution is a “lineage” society whose members have traced their family trees back to an ancestor who “supported the cause of American independence” during the Revolutionary War.

As a member, Kaffenberger personified patriotism for the benefit of any group that asked him to appear. He participated in full uniform in parades and naturalization ceremonies and often gave programs on American flag history.

“When he walked into a room wearing that uniform, he looked like George Washington,” DiGiovanni said".....>.
