New Member
Here's my problem: I took video of daughters 1st tball game last saturday... awesome pics captured... got home, tballer wanted to watch the video. We popped the DVD-R out of the camcorder, put it into dvd player hooked to tv... said "loading"... could hear crunchy sort of noises..thought it was taking too long, something not right... took it out, put it back in for a 2nd try. same thing. took it out.. put it back into DVD camcorder... hit the playback button... ALL my video i'd taken that day and the day before was GONE... there were 4 screens of video i'd taken earlier in the month...but the tball games and daughter singing GONE. I ran down, read through the owners manual of DVD cam... said i needed to "finalize" the dvd before playing in dvd players or it could malfunction of some sort. We never "deleted" the images from the DVD-R... does anyone know if there is possibly a way to find out if the images are "hidden" on the DVD-R or did i really delete all that video footage by putting it in the dvd player w/out finalizing it first??? If someone knows anything about these,...please let me know.... Ready to cry... little one had a high pop ball hit to her and she CAUGHT it... surprised her and the look was priceless... and i LOST IT!!!