Could Sony's Business Models, and the way they have extremely peeved more than one customer with their "pay for what you own a second time, even though we promised you wouldn't have to when we convinced you too invest" policy, be a bit of a motivation for the hacking? Or they just a juicy target with their easy payment for impulse buying model they make everyone fork over their info just to participate?
NOT that I think MS Xbox is that great either, but I hope Sony gets hurt badly from this, really bad, and the rest of the industry says, "Gee, maybe we should learn from Sony's mistakes"?
Now if someone could just turn the Cable Companies and Auto Manufacturers on their head with their PROPRIETARY business models, eliminate competition and so we don't actually have to efficient or responsive, just nickel and dime the customer to death.
NOTE: Auto Manufacturers do compete for car sales, its after the sale, try to have a small independent shop or do it yourself for anything other than fluid changes, your stuck with only the dealer able to access the PROPRIETARY systems, and the dealer's service quality keeps slipping worse as prices goes up, because they don't have to compete, its NOT like the vehicle owner can go anywhere else.