Soooo.....Ted Cruz


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Called the Capitol riot a violent terrorist attack in a televised committee hearing.
Tucker Carlson laid his ass out over it.
Cruz came on Tucker to mea culpa.
Tucker was having none of it.

"Words mean something, Sen. Cruz."

We all know why Cruz kissed Democrat ass, right? Because he's trying to play both ends against the middle and appease the Left so they'll consider him for 2024.

While Cruz amuses me with his slaps at the progs, this is the same Ted Cruz who I couldn't stand in 2016. The ass kissing chameleon who tailors his words to his audience. There appears to be no "real" Ted Cruz - just the politically expedient guy who'll say whatever it takes to curry favor with whoever he's talking to at the moment.

The pandering revivalist preacher in the 2016 primaries? That was Evangelical Ted shooting for the Christian vote.

The bold funny guy mocking the Left on Twitter? That's Bad Ass Ted doing his Trump impersonation to appeal to folks like me.

The logical blunt prosecutor we see in hearings? That's Fearless Ted who will fight for us.

Who really is Ted Cruz besides a political sycophant? Because that's all I see from him.


Well-Known Member
Called the Capitol riot a violent terrorist attack in a televised committee hearing.
Tucker Carlson laid his ass out over it.
Cruz came on Tucker to mea culpa.
Tucker was having none of it.

"Words mean something, Sen. Cruz."

We all know why Cruz kissed Democrat ass, right? Because he's trying to play both ends against the middle and appease the Left so they'll consider him for 2024.

While Cruz amuses me with his slaps at the progs, this is the same Ted Cruz who I couldn't stand in 2016. The ass kissing chameleon who tailors his words to his audience. There appears to be no "real" Ted Cruz - just the politically expedient guy who'll say whatever it takes to curry favor with whoever he's talking to at the moment.

The pandering revivalist preacher in the 2016 primaries? That was Evangelical Ted shooting for the Christian vote.

The bold funny guy mocking the Left on Twitter? That's Bad Ass Ted doing his Trump impersonation to appeal to folks like me.

The logical blunt prosecutor we see in hearings? That's Fearless Ted who will fight for us.

Who really is Ted Cruz besides a political sycophant? Because that's all I see from him.
Soooo...he's no different than any other politician, R or D.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Soooo...he's no different than any other politician, R or D.

Trump wasn't. He had a distinct personality and communication style no matter where he was. Marco Rubio is the same wanker regardless of his audience. Schumer, same nasty condescending ahole. AOC, same dumb kid, like totes omigawd. Lindsey Graham, same sneering elitist.

Cruz is the Hillary Clinton of the Right - "I'm in no ways taarhd! I gots me some hot sauce!" He takes on a cadence and demeanor depending on who he's talking to.


Well-Known Member
Trump wasn't. He had a distinct personality and communication style no matter where he was. Marco Rubio is the same wanker regardless of his audience. Schumer, same nasty condescending ahole. AOC, same dumb kid, like totes omigawd. Lindsey Graham, same sneering elitist.

Cruz is the Hillary Clinton of the Right - "I'm in no ways taarhd! I gots me some hot sauce!" He takes on a cadence and demeanor depending on who he's talking to.
Like you, I'm a Trump fan. However, I believe that he will present whichever Trump is expedient when needs be.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Like you, I'm a Trump fan. However, I believe that he will present whichever Trump is expedient when needs be.

Then why didn't he present the measured dignified wimp ass-kisser Trump when it was expedient for him to do so? :lol:

But I'm talking about a dramatic change-up, like it's not even them. I'm trying to think of who does this besides Hillary and Ted Cruz to clarify what I'm referring to...... It's like a black elected official who speaks clear educated English one minute, then all shuck and jive ebonics the next, depending on the audience.


Well-Known Member
I think we are talking about two different degrees of shape-shifting. I see your point about the "in-your-face" character change. I think he figured out how to manipulate situations even before he got into politics.


Well-Known Member
Ted Cruz sure went down a few notches in my book, and Tucker didn't cut him any slack.

I will never understand how politicians like Cruz or Cheney or any other republican can gain any votes by pissing off Republicans.

They don't gain one democrat vote and they lose Republicans. I just don't see the sense in it.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Ted Cruz sure went down a few notches in my book, and Tucker didn't cut him any slack.

I was glad to see that because Tucker tends to protect his pets and doesn't lay them out when they show their colors. But part of me feels like it was a scripted setup so Lyin' Ted could save face.


Well-Known Member
I was glad to see that because Tucker tends to protect his pets and doesn't lay them out when they show their colors. But part of me feels like it was a scripted setup so Lyin' Ted could save face.

Well he sure didn't save it on Tucker's show. he looked like an idiot.


Well-Known Member
Called the Capitol riot a violent terrorist attack in a televised committee hearing.
Tucker Carlson laid his ass out over it.
Cruz came on Tucker to mea culpa.
Tucker was having none of it.

"Words mean something, Sen. Cruz."

We all know why Cruz kissed Democrat ass, right? Because he's trying to play both ends against the middle and appease the Left so they'll consider him for 2024.

While Cruz amuses me with his slaps at the progs, this is the same Ted Cruz who I couldn't stand in 2016. The ass kissing chameleon who tailors his words to his audience. There appears to be no "real" Ted Cruz - just the politically expedient guy who'll say whatever it takes to curry favor with whoever he's talking to at the moment.

The pandering revivalist preacher in the 2016 primaries? That was Evangelical Ted shooting for the Christian vote.

The bold funny guy mocking the Left on Twitter? That's Bad Ass Ted doing his Trump impersonation to appeal to folks like me.

The logical blunt prosecutor we see in hearings? That's Fearless Ted who will fight for us.

Who really is Ted Cruz besides a political sycophant? Because that's all I see from him.
Maybe he's channeling his inner Maverick.

Wonder if he'll give Sarah P. a call.


PREMO Member
Cruz says in Fox News interview it was a 'mistake' for him to call Jan. 6 a 'terrorist attack'

“What I was referring to are the limited number of people who engaged in violent attacks against police officers and I think you and I both agree that if you assault a police officer, you should go to jail. That's who I was talking about,” he said. “I wasn't saying that the thousands of peaceful protesters supporting Donald Trump are somehow terrorists. I wasn't saying the millions of patriots across the country supporting President Trump are terrorists and that's what a lot of people have misunderstood.”