Sooooo Proud


Leap Of Faith Farm
I am so proud of little man he rode his first solo trail ride today at Oakridge
he rode his sisters Arab and crossed bridges, water and some scary hills ..

good job little man :yahoo: :dye:


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New Member
I am so proud of little man he rode his first solo trail ride today at Oakridge
he rode his sisters Arab and crossed bridges, water and some scary hills ..

good job little man :yahoo: :dye:

Good Job "Trouble"!!!!!

So So proud of him! He is such a neat little guy!

Hope all else is well!!!



Leap Of Faith Farm
Good Job "Trouble"!!!!!

So So proud of him! He is such a neat little guy!

Hope all else is well!!!


ya we are going to an over night ride the end of this month and it is about a 4 hour ride he is taking amira . I hope he makes the whole ride with no problem..there is no turning back once we start.. he said hi and so does z..


New Member
ya we are going to an over night ride the end of this month and it is about a 4 hour ride he is taking amira . I hope he makes the whole ride with no problem..there is no turning back once we start.. he said hi and so does z..

Awww thats awesome!! I hope he does well! I am sure he will have a blast!!!


Chevy Is Da BOMB!!!!
Lil man did awlsome..... he went on a ride out yeaterday with me and lightning and we rode down the dirt road, stopped twice on the way to the trail and then he had to go around a big dirt pile and he did execlent.... im glad hes riding her now.... Now is the hard part... i need to teach my Quarter horse lightning to double.... that is todays task... o and teach rocky to double... yay..... CONGRATS!!!!!!!So proud of you Lil man... Glad you like her...


Leap Of Faith Farm
Lil man did awlsome..... he went on a ride out yeaterday with me and lightning and we rode down the dirt road, stopped twice on the way to the trail and then he had to go around a big dirt pile and he did execlent.... im glad hes riding her now.... Now is the hard part... i need to teach my Quarter horse lightning to double.... that is todays task... o and teach rocky to double... yay..... CONGRATS!!!!!!!So proud of you Lil man... Glad you like her...

well We went to oakridge again and this time we had to make our own trails and Lit man did great he even ran amira we rode for about an hour going towards the canal. He even waited back while we ran ahead and then allowed amira to run when he wanted her to step were going to go to st mary's park..he's realy starting to cowboy up..:yahoo:
pictures to come..
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Leap Of Faith Farm
well We went to oakridge again and this time we had to make our own trails and Lit man did great he even ran amira we rode for about an hour going towards the canal. He even waited back while we ran ahead and then allowed amira to run when he wanted her to step were going to go to st mary's park..he's realy starting to cowboy up..:yahoo:
pictures to come..

pictures oakridge 8-11-09


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Leap Of Faith Farm
Well we went on our fairhill trip and it was great .. Little man road (his horse)
Amira for over a 4 hour ride he had a ball . we went through tunnles, over highway bridges ( the horses were looking down at the passing cars underneth them) through a wooden covered bridge. he was hanging out with rotncop, plumloco and frog cantering all around . he even rode the second day also .. Z did realy awsome on her new 6 year old with no problems.. it rained Friday night and realy sucked putting up a tent in the rain but after that we all had a good time and Saterday got to sit out by the fire and relax. Sunday morning we all had bacon , eggs, pancakes, totast and scapple for brakefast then went out again this time we just played around and took pictures and played in some water we found ..


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