South Park - West Jersey


wandering aimlessly
What a riot! I don't watch Jersey Shore but I recognized the characters from Jerseylicious and that other Jersey show about a bridal/formal shop. Great Bin Laden tie in.
What a riot! I don't watch Jersey Shore but I recognized the characters from Jerseylicious and that other Jersey show about a bridal/formal shop. Great Bin Laden tie in.

I watch it via the web, so it wasn't posted until today. I'm looking forward to seeing it tonight.


They're out to get us
What a riot! I don't watch Jersey Shore but I recognized the characters from Jerseylicious and that other Jersey show about a bridal/formal shop. Great Bin Laden tie in.

I thought it was pretty funny but it was more of a "did they ACTUALLY go there?" kind of funny.

At least it beat the one from last week about NASCAR. :yawn: