Southern MD Higher ED Center

mrs potts

I am interested in taking classes at the Southern MD Higher Ed Center, but wanted to find out if anyone here has taken classes or heard if it was a good place to get a master's degree. Any thoughts, comments or suggestions?


Football season!
The education center is pretty good.. Several different colleges have classes there. just depends on what you want to get in to. They have an open house every year (or maybe before each semester) you may want to go to.

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
It all depends on what master's degree you're looking to get. I'm currently attending Florida Institute of Technology, which is convenient for me since their classes are at the Frank Knox school right outside Gate 2 of Pax River NAS or on-line. Excellent instructors and convenient class hours (5 - 8) - at least for me!

UMUC, where I got my bachelor's degree, also has good master's degree programs down here. There are quite a few others universities at SMHEC, but I found most were geared towards teaching degrees. Again, it depends on what you're interested in.


I agree with Jazz. It really depends on what you are looking to get your masters degree in. I am finishing up at UMUC and I am considering going for my Master's Degree. (I just need to find a better job to give me the reason to move on). If you are going for a masters in teaching, Southern Maryland Education Center is a great option. My degree is in CMIT and they just didn't offer too many courses to allow me to finish within this lifetime.