Southern Md Rail Line Connection?


dont be dumb
I meant there would be a series of stops all along the route. We would simply be the last stop.
I'd pay ten bucks for a ride. you'd spend more on gas and parking.


They call me ... Sarcasmo
Where would the money come from?

Is there enough of a demand to warrant even a study?

A new bridge over the Patuxent should be more of a priority.


Well-Known Member
i would utilize it depending on the time it would take to get me up the road--if it's about the same then i would stick with driving; wish there was an express commuter bus :coffee:


CAPPY2609 said:
Should there be a rail line down here in lexington park that connects to branch ave metro station?

I would use it if it had a stop anywhere near 381 enroute! And I'd also pay 10.00 :clap:


New Member
It'd be nice to have. But currently I ride the Keller buses from the St Mary's Airport to L'EnFant Plaza in DC and its $5.75 one way. The advantage to having a rail system would mean it could bypass all the traffic and would be less time consuming. The buses now are constantly late. However the service isnt that bad. I work in DC and for me, driving to DC or Branch for that matter I don’t really like to do.


New Member
CAPPY2609 said:
Should there be a rail line down here in lexington park that connects to branch ave metro station?

I don't like that idea at all. For a little convenience, you'll turn St. Mary's county into Waldorf with the crime and everything else they have now. Why, because you'll make it accessible to unwelcome guest (criminals, vagrants, and the like). So there goes your home equity, safety and the country feel we all pay to be here.


New Member
PJumper said:
I don't like that idea at all. For a little convenience, you'll turn St. Mary's county into Waldorf with the crime and everything else they have now. Why, because you'll make it accessible to unwelcome guest (criminals, vagrants, and the like). So there goes your home equity, safety and the country feel we all pay to be here.

that's the lamest thing I've ever heard. We already have "(criminals, vagrants, and the like). " here in the county.... just read the paper and other news resources.

It is unlikely that a rail system will be placed down here as there are other venues that tend to be underutilized. Besides, the rail bed that exists is currently being turned into a bike/hiking trail.


New Member
PJumper said:
I don't like that idea at all. For a little convenience, you'll turn St. Mary's county into Waldorf with the crime and everything else they have now. Why, because you'll make it accessible to unwelcome guest (criminals, vagrants, and the like). So there goes your home equity, safety and the country feel we all pay to be here.

Bingo. Most of the areas directly surrounding metro stops are not the nicest, safest areas (unless it is under the bright lights of Pent. City for example). It would totally change this area for the worse. The great thing about S. MD is that it is still rural, it is it's own little world. A metro down here would bring the city out to us. The life you are used to down here would be no more. If you really want to ditch the S. MD way of life and have access to all that comes with a city, you'd really be better off moving closer to the city.


New Member
I believe the County bought the right of way from the ole rail line that went to Hughesville just for this purpose.

Of course since then they took up the rails and sold the steel from them for a few bucks,then they allowed encroachment on the right of way and even parking lots built over it to the point where it is pretty much useless, between driveways and other uses.

Now that rail line went to Hughesvill and then on to Brandywine and then to Baltimore.

However there once was a line that went to Chesapeake Beach from District heights that could have been used some of it's roadbed is still existent,although its tracks are gone also. The two could have been tied together to possibly go to a station.

The expense would be great I am sure,but it could have been done,I suppose it never will be ,but elevated tracks could be run over Rt. 4 and taken into the Station in Suitland.

Nice to dream about ,but I dont expect to live to see it.

What I would oike to see is Gallant Green Rd. run into Brandywine and a junction over to Rt 5. so Southern Marylanders couldavoid Waldorf on their commute gallant Green Rd. dualised of course. the thing could run right alongside the existent railroad tracks, they wouldnt even have to survey the Route , Its already there.


New Member
I totally do not understand the thinking that rail would make things worse. I lived in Alex. and when rail came to Huntingtown (which was run down and dangerous) and Springfield (which was aging and had horrible traffic) not only did the value of the houses triple but you saw an influx of nice stores and a lot more government, professional workers moving in the neighborhoods for the convenience of rail. There has been a little crime but no more than Waldorf and So. MD.
My friend had apartment bldgs. that she couldn't get renters to pay rent and in turn could not fix up for the bad renters. Now that metro is next door, these apartment are worth a bundle and are upkept and very nice.
I would like to see it at least come to Waldorf.


Watch it
CAPPY2609 said:
Should there be a rail line down here in lexington park that connects to branch ave metro station?

Wouldn't that be awesome. Maybe it'll happen in my kid's lifetime.


New Member
Not to mention the thousands of cars it would take off the roadways. We used to take it to the zoo, museums etc. Now if it was here, you could take it to Nats games, shows, special events etc. Would love to see the day where we could go to Nats., O's or football games just by hopping on a train.


All Up In Your Grill
kom526 said:
Where would the money come from?

Is there enough of a demand to warrant even a study?

A new bridge over the Patuxent should be more of a priority.


And if you consider adding stops along the way, it would take you a minimum of 3 hours to get from Pax to DC. And it would probably be at least 1/2 hour between trips. Not worth it IMO. I'd rather drive.


Well-Known Member
I'mno Mensa said:
What I would oike to see is Gallant Green Rd. run into Brandywine and a junction over to Rt 5. so Southern Marylanders couldavoid Waldorf on their commute gallant Green Rd. dualised of course. the thing could run right alongside the existent railroad tracks, they wouldnt even have to survey the Route , Its already there.

Hey that was my idea :buttkick: Ask Dems I have mentioned that before on here, straight shot from Rt. 5 to Rt. 381 (Brandywine Rd) :yay: