Sowell on Obama, housing


Smarter than the average bear
PREMO Member
When obama first ran, I kept waiting for the media to start asking him specific questions on his policies. But they never went deeper than the hope & change rhetoric level. Ever. A junior senator with no legislative accomplishments becoming president is sort of like a division 3 quarterback getting to start for a team in the super bowl. The talent level doesn't match the necessary skill set to do the job properly. And the results were just as expected.

The best thing government can do is get out of the way. They make laws, rules & regulations in order to remain relevant and wield power. They hamstring businesses with a lot of unnecessary red tape.

I have a friend in Illinois who owns a big, older home. He set about creating a room renting deal before air B & B was a thing. There was a nuclear power plant close by that often got short term workers for different reasons. And close by there was a shortage of hotel rooms. He'd end up short term renting to people who would pretty much be at work all day and just need a place near by to sleep.

He did all the necessary permits and such. Turns out the health department made him put in an expanded sewer system with commercial restaurant level attachments. This set him back a few thousand dollars. But if he lived in that house with a lot of his own kids, those additions wouldn't have been necessary. His attempts to reason with the officials fell on deaf ears as they say.

I can't wait to see if DOGE can have a positive effect for average American citizens. Fingers crossed.



Well-Known Member
It's like the St. Mary's County health department refusing an extra bathroom in anyone's home.

If you have 5 people doing their thing in one bathroom the same 5 people doing their thing in two bathrooms does not add more detritus to the system.