People we know have now been receiving SPAM advertising via the Windows Messenger service (note this is not the same as Windows Messenger utility that is similar to the Yahoo Messenger used for chatting with your buddies - way to go MS on using the same name for two different things)
A Messenger service window appears that contains an Internet advertisement that is similar to the following text:
Messenger Service
Message from source to your_computer_name.ISP_name on date time
Message Text
Microsoft recommends that you use a firewall to block NETBIOS to/from your internet connection rather than disabling the messenger service.;en-us;Q330904
Personally, I have no use for the service and I disabled. Here is how to disable it in XP:
Start -> All Programs -> Administrative Tools -> Services
Scroll down to the service named "messenger". Double-click messenger to open the props. Press the Stop button to Stop it. Also set the Startup Type to Disabled and press OK to get out.
A Messenger service window appears that contains an Internet advertisement that is similar to the following text:
Messenger Service
Message from source to your_computer_name.ISP_name on date time
Message Text
Microsoft recommends that you use a firewall to block NETBIOS to/from your internet connection rather than disabling the messenger service.;en-us;Q330904
Personally, I have no use for the service and I disabled. Here is how to disable it in XP:
Start -> All Programs -> Administrative Tools -> Services
Scroll down to the service named "messenger". Double-click messenger to open the props. Press the Stop button to Stop it. Also set the Startup Type to Disabled and press OK to get out.