

New Member
Have any of you heard of this? I just started to it seems perfect for me. It sets up with a diet and workout plan and keeps track of your weight. The best part is that its is free. There are message boards for some extra support if you need it. It seems great!
Just wondering if anybody else has tried to use this program or have even heard about it.


New Member
:howdy: Katie introduced me to it and I love it. Lots of great information and what is really great, you put in your goal weight and it gives the break down of how many calories, fat grams, carbs, :blahblah: you should have a day!


Live2Ride; Ride2Live
I've never heard of it, but it sounds pretty cool. :yay: I don't know if I have the self-discipline though. I need someone to push me. : :wench: