Speaking About James Carville


Well, he must like it because he's married to a democrat.

Forget this post. I could delete it being "premo" but I figured I'd let you all have a little laugh at my expense. Again, taking one for the team.
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"Everything should be on the table of reforms," he says. "We have to change how we drive, how we are consuming energy, deal with deficits and exploding health care costs. And the first people we've got to deal with are the people in Congress, because they have to set the example." Which translates into:

- Eliminate big cars and SUVs and reduce the speed limit
- Force people to buy energy-saving appliances and reduce heating/cooling requirements
- Raise taxes
- Have people already paying for their own healthcare pay more money to cover those who won't/can't

Yeah... these are all things that Mainstream America are all for. :lmao:


New Member
camily said:
Well, he must like it because he's married to a democrat.

With Hillary, D-N.Y., already the presumptive Democratic nominee for 2008, Carville makes clear he is ready to join her 2008 crusade.

He's the democrat, she's the republican. He's confusing because democrats aren't usually so critical of themselves! :flowers:


Ken King said:
:confused: Carville, since when?
Duh, my bad. I knew that, must have had a brain fart. He has always kinda weirded me out so I guess I associated him with republicans! :lmao: JK


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
"We actually believe, and we have a chapter in (the book) on it, that the Democrats should embrace what we call 'Progressive Patriotism.' We should wrap ourselves in the flag just like Republicans have done so successfully post-9/11 and even back to 1994 when House Republicans developed their 'Contract with America.'"
His problem is that a large number of "Democrats" are actually Marxists who loathe America and everything it stands for. Will the Dems risk alienating this voting bloc?

"But you know what?" he says ruefully: "Good people do bad things."
Sorry, James - good people may occasionally do bad things, but when they KEEP doing those bad things for years on end, they are a BAD person. Friggin' Clinton apologist. :rolleyes:

America should shift to much more use of nuclear power and even drill in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge if need be.
How will they swing that after years of screaming about environmentalism and how raping ANWR will kill off all the caribou and plunge us into a global warming nightmare?

The rest of that I either agree with or it's at least worth considering. James Carville is a smart man - he married Mary Matalin, didn't he? His problem is that "pillow fight" thing he talks about, where it's just so much fun to jump in you forget about the end goal. He can't help himself.

When Larry and I saw him and his lovely wife speak here in Frederick, I was completely entertained. But I haven't forgotten Clinton's attack dog and the nasty, just pure low-down beyond the call things he said about people who didn't deserve it - just because they got the goods on his boy.


Dancing Up A Storm
Quoted from Vraiblonde:

Sorry, James - good people may occasionally do bad things, but when they KEEP doing those bad things for years on end, they are a BAD person. Friggin' Clinton apologist. :rolleyes:

This quality alone - was probably what turned me off the most about this guy.
He had an explanation, plausible or not, why Clinton did this or that, pooh-poohing it like there was little value about what conservatives were complaining about.

That, and he reminds me of a hooded snake with those squinty eyes! :mad:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Penn said:
That, and he reminds me of a hooded snake with those squinty eyes!
During the 1992 campaign, Mary Matalin nicknamed him "Serpent Head" and it's stuck throughout the years - Limbaugh refers to him as that all the time.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
James Carville is...

..the Alan Dershowitz of politics.

Dersh got a guilty man off the hook, OJ, and Carville got a bad man re-elected and kept him from being thrown out after impeachment.

Now, they both run around with this giant albatros of guilt trying to blame it on anyone but themslves or their star client.

Dershowitz talks about the law and the pizz poor job Darden and Clark did.

Carville talks about Bill being a 'good man' who made a mistake and how Ken Starr is a peeping Tom.

They both had a choice; integrity or professional achievement?

For a horse trainer, it's to get a horse like Secretariat.

For Alan, the height is a monster case, like OJ.

For a political strategist, it's to get your hands on candidate like Clinton.

The down side is the trainer, once it's over, simply has some manure to deal with. The other two are covered in...


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
Penn said:
Carville to NewsMax: Democrats Have 'Disease'
Democratic strategist James Carville recently talked with NewsMax's Paul Rodriguez. Carville says his party must change or it will continue losing elections. He offers some surprising comments on what the Democrats must do to win in 2008. Read the full interview – Go Here Now.
He's not convincing - it reads like a psycho on death row who suddenly got religion. He just doesn't sound like he means it; it just reads as though he feels he needs to package the Democrats better rather than actually change them. And they've always done that, to their detriment. They don't quite get the fact that their product doesn't sell, because people don't want it - not because they don't put enough American flags on the label.

We already have parties like the Green Party pulling votes away from the Democrats - all they need now to seal their doom is a more moderate version of the Democratic Party actually winning offices. You can't base your political philosophy on "not being Republican". When there are other options, you're sunk.

I read a great article years ago by the physicist Richard Feynmann, named "Cargo Cult Science". Among several things, he comments on how the cargo cults formed - native islanders during the Pacific War with Japan who lived on the islands where the Americans landed, set up air strips and left after the war. Being primitive people, they made bamboo and wooden versions of everything, including the radar and radio shack, complete with bamboo headphones. This was done in the vain hope that by mimicking the actions of the Americans they could get the planes to land again.

Of course, the planes don't land, because imitating the FORM of the items has nothing to do with why the planes do or do not land. You can't make a wooden radar, clear a patch of land and talk into a bamboo mike and make a plane appear from the sky. You might OBSERVE this happen, but there's more to it than mere appearance. You're just wasting your time going through the motions. But they keep doing it anyway.

That's the Democrat's problem. They think it's packaging. They think their message SHOULD resonate with everyone, but it doesn't. Carville at least got a couple things *RIGHT* - the messages are broad but innocuous - they don't actually mean anything practical or realistic. Newt's 1994 revolution wasn't smoke and mirrors - they didn't promise a new health care system - they promised a VOTE on a line-item veto. They promised things that could actually be delivered. Vote for us, and we'll vote on a balanced budget amendment - on term limits - etc. No pie in the sky promises of utopia - practical answers to things people actually said they wanted.

The far left could do a lot better if they could grasp the idea that they and the Republicans are a balancing act of opposing ideas that can both be valid. They won't do that, and I've commented on this before. They see their own ideas as mainstream, middle America - they speak for Americans - except for the right-wing nutballs. There's them, the mainstream - and those weirdos OVER THERE. Not right and left wings - us, and the screwballs that no one ought to listen to.

Do you know of a source of ideas that you think are just plain screwy and ridiculous? REALLY out there, like neo-Nazis or flat-Earthers? Imagine if someone claimed they were the flip side to YOUR ideas, the "balance" to YOUR crazy ideas, and they were just the opposite horn to what you propose. You'd answer, the hell they are - I'm normal, and they're just crazy. That's how Republicans are depicted in most left-wing circles. So when they WIN, it simply CAN'T be that their ideas are better - they must have packaged them better. It can't be that people VOTED for them - they must have cheated. It can't be that people believe what they believe - they must have duped them. They simply cannot legitimize the right's views, because they don't see them as legitimate. Since the right is actually just *crazy*, it doesn't matter if they're disrespectful of them, anymore than you'd be "respectful" of someone who believed in a flat Earth.

He's just not convincing me.