Spear the Turtle...

Larry Gude

Strung Out
...so much for a tough, tough season for Maryland.

When you lose to the Jaspers, the Manhatten College Jaspers, in the first round of the NIT when you were the #1 seed in your bracket even though their entire front court fouls out and they end the game with only five players and their best free throw shooter misses the front end of three straight one and ones to keep giving you a chance and their last kid off the bench who is a sophomore with very little playing time all season and HE nails his one and one AND grabs two rebounds to put in the final nails and you keep coming up empty, well, that's it.

It's ugly right now.


Dancing Up A Storm
That was a tough loss.

The Terps were down a dozen points, kept inching their way back - what? within 3 points!

I kept thinking they were going to pull this one out at the freethrow line!

It just didn't work out for them. :ohwell:

Coach Williams - tough loss, tough season for him. The guy really tries hard.


Nothing to see here
All I can say is that I'm glad this trainwreck of a season is over, hugely disappointing. They never seemed to play with any passion, hated watching them.

BTW, watch the women if you get a chance..Love em to death, they play HARD.(wonder if that sounds sexist?hmmm)


Pitty Party
Larry Gude said:
...so much for a tough, tough season for Maryland.

When you lose to the Jaspers, the Manhatten College Jaspers, in the first round of the NIT when you were the #1 seed in your bracket even though their entire front court fouls out and they end the game with only five players and their best free throw shooter misses the front end of three straight one and ones to keep giving you a chance and their last kid off the bench who is a sophomore with very little playing time all season and HE nails his one and one AND grabs two rebounds to put in the final nails and you keep coming up empty, well, that's it.

It's ugly right now.

Got to love 'em, but damn they suck.. :lol: