Special Blood Drive in Ridge


I wanna be a SMIB
UpChuckMan said:
Sorry, Already gave blood this month! :yay:

Why does it seem around here you are only allowed to give blood every 4-6 weeks. When I was young, a very,very long time ago, I gave blood just about once a week or so. They paid us for it so we went alot. No one cared as long as you werent anemic. And they tested you for that before hand.


Upper Charles County :-)
baileydog said:
Why does it seem around here you are only allowed to give blood every 4-6 weeks. When I was young, a very,very long time ago, I gave blood just about once a week or so. They paid us for it so we went alot. No one cared as long as you werent anemic. And they tested you for that before hand.

Plasma volumes will return to normal in around 24 hours, while red blood cells are replaced by bone marrow into the circulatory system within about 3-5 weeks, and lost iron replaced over 6-8 weeks.

Due to the timeframe required for iron replacement, donors are not eligible to donate whole blood until eight weeks after the previous donation. This recovery process can be accelerated by eating foods high in complex carbohydrates, iron, and other trace minerals.

As you indicated, as long as you are not anemic, you should be physically able to donate after 3-5 weeks. However, as Crow Bait indicated...

Crow Bait said:
The Red Cross has rules!
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New Member
Thank you

Thank you to all that came out on Thursday 5/17 to show support to the Red Cross and to show support for my dad :flowers:

Some stats on the blood drive: 128 prospective donors arrived. 27 donors were deferred (blood pressure, low iron etc.), 20 donors had to leave prior to processing due to time constraints. Of the remaining 81 donors 77 full units and 4 partial units were obtained.

Again thank you to all - and hopefully the great turn out we had will continue - my dad is still here thanks to the blood people had donated, and people need blood every day, just like he did.


off the shelf
giggles79 said:
Thank you to all that came out on Thursday 5/17 to show support to the Red Cross and to show support for my dad :flowers:

Some stats on the blood drive: 128 prospective donors arrived. 27 donors were deferred (blood pressure, low iron etc.), 20 donors had to leave prior to processing due to time constraints. Of the remaining 81 donors 77 full units and 4 partial units were obtained.

Again thank you to all - and hopefully the great turn out we had will continue - my dad is still here thanks to the blood people had donated, and people need blood every day, just like he did.

I was one of the ones that was deferred(low iron)....but, I brought both my boys and they donated....it was their first time donating and they thought it was really cool that they gave them each a shirt(bragging rights), drinks AND the "best cup cakes in the world"(german chocolate) :lol:

Big Fatty

I need to give blood more often. :yay:

Problem is, I am such a sissy when it comes to needles. My big butt passes out everytime I give blood. I even get queezy on stupid flu shots.

I wish there were an easier way....


New Member
onebdzee said:
I was one of the ones that was deferred(low iron)....but, I brought both my boys and they donated....it was their first time donating and they thought it was really cool that they gave them each a shirt(bragging rights), drinks AND the "best cup cakes in the world"(german chocolate) :lol:

Glad you came :howdy: It was fun. Everybody was loving the homemade baked goods! I feel like I made laps around the place trying to talk to everybody! It really made my dad smile