Special Interest Doctor


yeah yeah
I know this is out of left field- but I am in in search of a Dr. who would possibly take a special interest in a liver transplant patient who was just diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes- and now has bili (sp) levels that are ridiculously high. This is a dear friend of mine and St. Mary's is only able to go so far with their help- as they are not equipped to handle cases like this.

Right now my friend is in the ICU and they will not release them due to the test results. This is a very scary situation and am asking for help. I would appreciate any leads. Doesn't matter if it's in this state or not. Can anyone point me in a direction?

Thank you so much in advance!


Walking for a cure!!
I would try Johns Hopkins. They have all kinds of different specialized docs up there. You should be able to get some information on who/where to call from their website. Best of luck to your friend.