"It might have been that Hollywood is very interested in charisma and I do not think that Hollywood felt that John Kerry had the kind of charisma that Bill Clinton had and that they didn't come out in force." Or it could be that many in Hollywood looked at Kerry without the rose-colored glasses and said "ehhhhh... I don't think so."
Saying that people wouldn't support Kerry out of charisma issues shows that Spielburg is not a guy who thinks things out very well. Kerry's campaign was based on pretty much nothing aside from attacking Bush. He offered no real plans, no real agendas, and no real hope. You gotta hand it to Clinton, he may have been 99% full of s**t, but at least he could get up in front of folks and sell them on the belief that he felt their pain, that he had a plan for making things better, and that if elected he would follow through on that plan. That, not charisma, excites people. What did Kerry offer to excite and invigorate people? All he had to offer was criticism of Bush, which thrills the more warped of the Left, but as Howard Dean's massacre at the polls showed, doesn't get people to vote for you.
Kerry only did as well as he did because of the Anyone-But-Bush vote. Without that, Bush would have had a Reagan-esque landslide victory. Speilbur should so some deep thinking and say "You know what Hollywood... we need to get behind a candidate who really has a plan for making things better rather than someone who just throws red meat to the Anti-Republican crowd."