Spielberg Slams Hollywood For Failing Kerry


Lovin' being Texican
"I thought John Kerry would have been a wonderful world leader and an American president."

...and maybe his producer-director daughter wouldn't have competed with "serious" movie makers at Cannes anymore.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

Back in the day, the Bubba era, they went out of their way to make movies to support their guy!

When is Hollywood gonna start lying again like they did in the 90's? Is Micheal Moore gonna have to tote the fabrication cross all by himself?

Come on Spielburg! When we goona see a 'Dirty Kerry" movie showing Big bad Johns heroics in the Delta? He can make the VC look vaugley like Newt Gingritch.

"Want some Charlie? blam! blam! Come and get it!"


This Space for Rent
I don't think he said anything that off. It sounded more like just some straight talking on the guy he supported. I think the title is off in saying he was slamming anyone. Spielberg is a well rounded, smart guy for Hollywood and doesn't tend to go off into la-la land like the Screen Actors Guild radical liberals. I also doubt he fumed on the talk show. Any time he interviews, he is pretty straight to the point and doesn't show a lot of emotion (other than a humorous bent).

Larry Gude

Strung Out

...the thing is, during the Clinton years, which he referenced, Hollywood actively particiapted in the charade surrounding who and what Clinton is.

Primary Colors: He might be flawed, but he's a GOOD man!

The Man from Hope (the con man from Hot Springs)

Wag the Dog. (Cloud the issue)

I like SS to but, that's how I took it.

PS We're staying at La Mansion in SA. How cool is that?


Two things strike me about that article.

One: Yeah, right. That was the problem - Hollywood was not vocal or supportive enough of Kerry. Of course - That was what the problem was. Mkay.

Two: It seems that the author of the article is implying outrage, and disgust where there is none (at least not at the implied magnitude).

The first half of the article was an expression of how the Seething Boiling Cauldron of Left-Wing Rage that is Stephen Spielburg is LASHING OUT and LAMBASTING the Hollywood left. The second half of the article contained actual Spielburg's quotes which came off (to me, at least) no more emotional than, "Bummer, dude."

What a load of tripe.


"It might have been that Hollywood is very interested in charisma and I do not think that Hollywood felt that John Kerry had the kind of charisma that Bill Clinton had and that they didn't come out in force." Or it could be that many in Hollywood looked at Kerry without the rose-colored glasses and said "ehhhhh... I don't think so."

Saying that people wouldn't support Kerry out of charisma issues shows that Spielburg is not a guy who thinks things out very well. Kerry's campaign was based on pretty much nothing aside from attacking Bush. He offered no real plans, no real agendas, and no real hope. You gotta hand it to Clinton, he may have been 99% full of s**t, but at least he could get up in front of folks and sell them on the belief that he felt their pain, that he had a plan for making things better, and that if elected he would follow through on that plan. That, not charisma, excites people. What did Kerry offer to excite and invigorate people? All he had to offer was criticism of Bush, which thrills the more warped of the Left, but as Howard Dean's massacre at the polls showed, doesn't get people to vote for you.

Kerry only did as well as he did because of the Anyone-But-Bush vote. Without that, Bush would have had a Reagan-esque landslide victory. Speilbur should so some deep thinking and say "You know what Hollywood... we need to get behind a candidate who really has a plan for making things better rather than someone who just throws red meat to the Anti-Republican crowd."


Asperger's Poster Child
Larry Gude said:
Primary Colors: He might be flawed, but he's a GOOD man!

Wag the Dog. (Cloud the issue)
I've never seen those movies, but the reviews described them as anti-Clinton. That wasn't the case?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Tonio said:
I've never seen those movies, but the reviews described them as anti-Clinton. That wasn't the case?
Wag the Dog was a pretty good movie - I wouldn't describe it as Clinton-anything, at least I didn't get that except that it involves a President getting caught having an affair.

Primary Colors, on the other hand, will make you want to throw your TV out the window. It is decidedly pro-Clinton, portaying him as a good man with a few charmingly downplayed flaws (namely that he's a serial philanderer), who is persecuted by the media and his political opponents.

In one scene, a tape of the President having an intimate conversation with his paramour surfaces and is played all over the media. Turns out that the tape was doctored and spliced, making innocent conversation sound lascivious. This is what the Clintonistas tried to pretend happened with the Gennifer Flowers tapes and this movie just drives that stake further in.


"Fill your hands you SOB!
:tap: ...still waiting for all those Hollywood geeks that cried that they were moving out of the country if Bush got elected to actually move.....