Spinach alert

From CNN.com

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Consumers nationwide should not eat fresh bagged spinach, say health officials probing a multistate outbreak of E. coli that killed at least one person and made dozens of others sick.


Long Haired Country Boy
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desertrat said:
From CNN.com

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Consumers nationwide should not eat fresh bagged spinach, say health officials probing a multistate outbreak of E. coli that killed at least one person and made dozens of others sick.

That's probably because some illegal spinach picker didn't wash his hands. :elaine:


NOT Politically Correct!!
Easiest way to prevent E-coli is to look for the packaging date, keep refrigerated and WASH, WASH, WASH before use even if it says prewashed...

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
chernmax said:
Easiest way to prevent E-coli is to look for the packaging date, keep refrigerated and WASH, WASH, WASH before use even if it says prewashed...

Unfortunately in this case, that won't work:

WASHINGTON - Federal health officials worked Friday to find the source of a multistate E. coli outbreak and warned consumers that even washing the suspect spinach won't kill the sometimes deadly bacteria.

One person died and dozens of others were sickened in the nine-state outbreak, linked by Food and Drug Administration officials to bagged spinach.

"We need to strive to do even better so even one life is not lost," said Dr. Andrew von Eschenbach, FDA's acting commissioner.

The FDA warned people not to eat bagged spinach and said washing it wouldn't solve the problem because the bacteria is too tightly attached.

"If you wash it, it is not going to get rid of it," said Robert Brackett, director of the FDA's Center for Food Safety and Nutrition.



My Sweetest Boy
I have pretty much sworn off of bagged salads. Trouble is, when you go out to eat, most of the restaurants get their salads from a bag.


At least Buddy Lee doesn't have to worry, he hasn't eaten a leafy green vegatable since 1985.


I bowl overhand
desertrat said:
From CNN.com

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Consumers nationwide should not eat fresh bagged spinach, say health officials probing a multistate outbreak of E. coli that killed at least one person and made dozens of others sick.
*WHEW* good thing I don't eat spinach.. another shitatstrophe averted!


Look my ass glows!
Most produce is now grown in soil treated with sludge (and we all know what that stuff is!! :barf: ) it's no wonder more of us aren't deathly sick. Add that to the produce that is now grown in foreign countries.
I'll stick w/homegrown or frozen veggies and fruit!


I've got me some fresh spinach growing in my garden. No more bagged stuff any time soon.


Look my ass glows!

The recalled brands are:
Cheney Brothers
Cross Valley
D'Arrigo Brothers
Dole :boo:
Earthbound Farm :tantrum
Emeril :smack:
Fresh Point
Green Harvest
Jansal Valley
Mills Family Farm
Natural Selection Foods
Nature's Basket
O Organic :hot:
Premium Fresh
President's Choice :patriot:
Pride of San Juan :faint:
Rave Spinach
Ready Pac
River Ranch
Riverside Farms
Snoboy :killingme
Tanimura & Antle
The Farmer's Market
Trader Joe's :tantrum


Tight Pants and Lipstick
PREMO Member
The more I think about this, the more it REALLY PISSES ME OFF! I think I should probably not research the answer to my question:

Is the e.Coli cultivating in what the spinach is growing in? Unintended contamination...

or -

Is the e.Coli being dumped on (pun intended) the growing crops by field hands?
virgovictoria said:
The more I think about this, the more it REALLY PISSES ME OFF! I think I should probably not research the answer to my question:

Is the e.Coli cultivating in what the spinach is growing in? Unintended contamination...

or -

Is the e.Coli being dumped on (pun intended) the growing crops by field hands?
Do you know how much money they lose if they take a break while working piecework? Couple bucks, I bet.