

Well-Known Member
For some reason it grosses me out more when hockey players do iton the ice.
In baseball it is an artform.


Active Member
What about the jackasses that cant stand, or even pay attention to the National anthem? They really piss me off:evil:


Well-Known Member
One of the men my husband works with chews bacca and spits sometimes on the scaffle boards the other guys have to handle. Nobody wants to put their hands on that sheet! :smack:
Football players spitting on the field? Jeez, what would Miss Manners say?


I will chock this up to Blue Obama Monday and try to erase you being okay with anyone purposely spitting out their mouth guck so others have to wallow in it from mind... after all tomorrow is another day. :drama:


Well-Known Member
I will chock this up to Blue Obama Monday and try to erase you being okay with anyone purposely spitting out their mouth guck so others have to wallow in it from mind... after all tomorrow is another day. :drama:

I wonder what MLK would actually think about this President. I think I know.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Football players spitting on the field? Jeez, what would Miss Manners say?


"Yes, Brent, it looks like RGIII's Anterior cruciate ligament just snapped like a twigg in a stiff breeze. But, hey, it's football. You play hard and sometimes, things just break. On the play before, he got hit so hard, his spleen may have ruptured like what happened to Jason Whitten earlier this year and, at the minimum, he'll be peeing blood for the rest of the week. Also, one more shot to the head like that and he'll be looking at early onset Altzheimers and perhaps suicide like Jr. Seau did when the demons just won't stop. And, that gash on his elbow is gonna need some sti...HOLY HELLLLL! Did you just see what #57 did, Brent!!??? That animal just SPIT on the field!!!! The refs have GOT to put a stop to that sort of disgusting non football behavior! That is NOT a part of the game! You just can't let that sort of thing go and expect the integrity of this noble game to stay intact. That was just nasty. What was he thinking??? Yuck!"



Board Mommy
PREMO Member
"Yes, Brent, it looks like RGIII's Anterior cruciate ligament just snapped like a twigg in a stiff breeze. But, hey, it's football. You play hard and sometimes, things just break. On the play before, he got hit so hard, his spleen may have ruptured like what happened to Jason Whitten earlier this year and, at the minimum, he'll be peeing blood for the rest of the week. Also, one more shot to the head like that and he'll be looking at early onset Altzheimers and perhaps suicide like Jr. Seau did when the demons just won't stop. And, that gash on his elbow is gonna need some sti...HOLY HELLLLL! Did you just see what #57 did, Brent!!??? That animal just SPIT on the field!!!! The refs have GOT to put a stop to that sort of disgusting non football behavior! That is NOT a part of the game! You just can't let that sort of thing go and expect the integrity of this noble game to stay intact. That was just nasty. What was he thinking??? Yuck!"

I have nothing to add to that. :clap:


Well-Known Member
"Yes, Brent, it looks like RGIII's Anterior cruciate ligament just snapped like a twigg in a stiff breeze. But, hey, it's football. You play hard and sometimes, things just break. On the play before, he got hit so hard, his spleen may have ruptured like what happened to Jason Whitten earlier this year and, at the minimum, he'll be peeing blood for the rest of the week. Also, one more shot to the head like that and he'll be looking at early onset Altzheimers and perhaps suicide like Jr. Seau did when the demons just won't stop. And, that gash on his elbow is gonna need some sti...HOLY HELLLLL! Did you just see what #57 did, Brent!!??? That animal just SPIT on the field!!!! The refs have GOT to put a stop to that sort of disgusting non football behavior! That is NOT a part of the game! You just can't let that sort of thing go and expect the integrity of this noble game to stay intact. That was just nasty. What was he thinking??? Yuck!"


well since you put it like that :killingme
"Yes, Brent, it looks like RGIII's Anterior cruciate ligament just snapped like a twigg in a stiff breeze. But, hey, it's football. You play hard and sometimes, things just break. On the play before, he got hit so hard, his spleen may have ruptured like what happened to Jason Whitten earlier this year and, at the minimum, he'll be peeing blood for the rest of the week. Also, one more shot to the head like that and he'll be looking at early onset Altzheimers and perhaps suicide like Jr. Seau did when the demons just won't stop. And, that gash on his elbow is gonna need some sti...HOLY HELLLLL! Did you just see what #57 did, Brent!!??? That animal just SPIT on the field!!!! The refs have GOT to put a stop to that sort of disgusting non football behavior! That is NOT a part of the game! You just can't let that sort of thing go and expect the integrity of this noble game to stay intact. That was just nasty. What was he thinking??? Yuck!"


I would love to see that happen! :killingme

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Oh, please. Spitting is just plain nasty and unnecessary. You seriously condone it? :eyebrow:


Yes, because swallowing all the gunk and goo our body is trying to protect us from is necessary???

If god had intended us to not spit, he would not have given us sleaves, now would he?
