Sponsors for Youth Teams


New Member
Looking to locate sponsors in the Charles County area for Youth football and cheerleading teams. Sponsorship can be as little as $25 or as much as you would like.

Does anyone know of any business that would be willing to sponsor?



New Member
disney411 said:
Don't Donate To This Request, Its A Scam Looser

OK maybe it's just me, you sound like you know this person, so if you know they are trying to scam someone, you would think that you would report them before it's too late.


New Member
disney411 said:
Don't Donate To This Request, Its A Scam Looser

Please share your info on such an allegation :yay: Have you had experience with this person before? Are you sure this organization is a scam? Please let me know because I was considering donating. Thanks in advance! :yay:


New Member
MillyGrear said:
Please share your info on such an allegation :yay: Have you had experience with this person before? Are you sure this organization is a scam? Please let me know because I was considering donating. Thanks in advance! :yay:

That's ALL it is an ALLEGATION..........She is making ASSUMPTIONS because she has had her experiences with the organization and she has the sour taste in her mouth, that SHE put in there.