Sport medicine...

Larry Gude

Strung Out I break my ####ung thumb on wednesday night basketball, right? At least I'm pretty sure.

Next AM, yesterday, I call the ortho people who fix me when I'm broke. I'm known.

I say 'hey, thumb, maybe broke, fit me in?'

She; "Have you been to the er and gotten x rays?"

'No, it's not an emergency. It's my thumb. I'd like you guys to x ray it and do what needs to be done.

"well, we're booked soild. If you'd already been to the er and gotten x rays we could fit you in right away..."

"Look, I understood you do things the way you do but I am not going to the er for my thumb. What can you do?"

"Well...if you had..."

"Right, when can you see me?"

Can you be here by 9:30 friday?"

"Fabulous! You are an outstanding human being, see you then!"

Strange world.

ER. For my thumb. My ####ing broken thumb. Broken thumbs to the front of the line!
Larry Gude said: I break my ####ung thumb on wednesday night basketball, right? At least I'm pretty sure.

Next AM, yesterday, I call the ortho people who fix me when I'm broke. I'm known.

I say 'hey, thumb, maybe broke, fit me in?'

She; "Have you been to the er and gotten x rays?"

'No, it's not an emergency. It's my thumb. I'd like you guys to x ray it and do what needs to be done.

"well, we're booked soild. If you'd already been to the er and gotten x rays we could fit you in right away..."

"Look, I understood you do things the way you do but I am not going to the er for my thumb. What can you do?"

"Well...if you had..."

"Right, when can you see me?"

Can you be here by 9:30 friday?"

"Fabulous! You are an outstanding human being, see you then!"

Strange world.

ER. For my thumb. My ####ing broken thumb. Broken thumbs to the front of the line!
Be thankful she didn't ask you go to to the ER in a Waaaahmbulance. :yay:

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
cattitude said:
I can think of a place you can put it where it will be safe until you can get to the doctor. :bubble:

All I can think of now is this stupid rhyme:

Little Jack Horner sat in the corner
Eating his Christmas pie,
He put in his thumb and pulled out a plum
And said "What a good boy am I!"

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I already been...

cattitude said:
I can think of a place you can put it where it will be safe until you can get to the doctor. :bubble: the rx...

I can't :larry: for a MONTH. Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuccccccccccc..............

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Or this one...

jazz lady said:
All I can think of now is this stupid rhyme:

Little Jack Horner sat in the corner
Eating his Christmas pie,
He put in his thumb and pulled out a plum
And said "What a good boy am I!"

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Poor little Larry sat up all night
worry about his plight
for now the most basic things, though a lefty
will now have to be done with his right