Sports Leagues for 4 yr olds?


New Member
I live in La Plata it seems that most leagues start at 5. I have a rough and tumble 4 yr old boy who needs to release some energy in a constructive way

Has anyone heard of leagues that cater to the younger crew?


Well-Known Member
Northern St Marys Soccer League has a 4-5yr old age group, spring registration coming up in Febuary. Doesnt matter that you live outside of St Mary's.


New Member
My son played flag football at 4 years old (in Calvert). They sign up in May/June and start practicing in August.


Stretch's Mom
I live in La Plata it seems that most leagues start at 5. I have a rough and tumble 4 yr old boy who needs to release some energy in a constructive way

Has anyone heard of leagues that cater to the younger crew?

Southern St. Mary's Soccer has a program called "Kiddie Kick" that also caters to the younger group. That's a bit of a haul for you though, I understand. I had my son in Tae Kwon Do at that age too, to burn off some of that energy.

SMYS website is St. Mary's Youth Soccer and the info for Kiddie Kick is here: St. Mary's Youth Soccer


New Member
Our youth flag football league is also for ages 5-17, but our age requirement is September 1st of the current year (2009). So even though he is 4 now, if he would be 5 by September 1st this year, he would be eligible to play this coming spring. We are based out of Waldorf. For more information, feel free to check out our website - SMYFFL HomePage


New Member
It's late this year but wrestling starts at 4. In charles county there are 4 youth team in charles county.


New Member
My son who is now 4 played for an Indian Head League called Pee Wee Soccer and its for 3 years and up. It was a wonderful experience for him and they will be starting registration for Spring 2009 in March and practice begins in April. it's only $30.00 I will be registering him again, because its the only other outdoor sports he can play at his age seeming most other sports like flag football the child has to be 5 years old. Games take place at the Bensville Park which is not too far from LaPlata. My son really wanted to play football, but I tried soccer and he liked it and he will play soccer until he is old enough to play football. Website address is Goodluck finding somoething