sports teams for 4-5 year olds


New Member
Are there any sports teams for 4 or 5 year olds in Charles county? My huband used to coach such a girls soccer team years ago and thought it was the greatest thing. I would love to get our kids in something like that around here. But I'm not sure where to look . . .


T-ball starts in the Spring. I used to be a coach and commissioner. Now just coach PM baseball in Spring. Karate is good. Usually they start at 4. Depends on which dojo you go to. Check your local parks and Rec paper for schedule of events.


What's it 2 U
marianne said:
Are there any sports teams for 4 or 5 year olds in Charles county? My huband used to coach such a girls soccer team years ago and thought it was the greatest thing. I would love to get our kids in something like that around here. But I'm not sure where to look . . .

Indian Head has a 4 -5 year old soccer team.


New Member
Now I see, the soccer and t-ball seem to be on
I think we have to wait another year or so before joining those teams.

I never thought about karate, but that's a great idea! I found Waldorf Action Martial Arts has a "karate cats" program specifically for 4 & 5 year olds. I'll give them a call.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I vote for dance and gymnastics. For kids that age, I tend to favor individual sports rather than team competitive. You will never EVER see a parent getting into a fight or screaming obscenities at a dance recital or a gymnastics meet. :yay:


New Member
My 3-year old son now 4 yrs played for Pee Wee Soccer team last fall and they are starting registration for the spring in March. Here's the website Home but practice and the games all take place in Bensville Park. It was wonderful for him, because he had been begging me to play football and since he was not old enough to play football I thought soccer will be just as fun. He had a wonderful time and at the end of the season they have a tornamnent and a banquet. I hope this helps


New Member
Do you know of anywhere in Charles County or Southern PG County where they might offer Flag Football for 4 year olds if so please share the info because my son wants to play football soooo bad but from the research that i have done it is you have to be 5 year or older. I would even settle for Basketball for 4 years old


New Member
Do you know of anywhere in Charles County or Southern PG County where they might offer Flag Football for 4 year olds if so please share the info because my son wants to play football soooo bad but from the research that i have done it is you have to be 5 year or older. I would even settle for Basketball for 4 years old

Our youth flag football league is for ages 5-17, but our age requirement is September 1st of the current year (2009). So even though he is 4 now, if he would be 5 by September 1st this year, he would be eligible to play this coming spring. We are based out of Waldorf. For more information, feel free to check out our website - SMYFFL HomePage . If he doesn't turn 5 until after September 1st, we look forward to seeing him next year. As far as I know, we are the only youth flag football league around in those areas you mentioned. Before we started our league, the closest youth flag football league around was located in Ashburn VA. There may be others that have sprung up within the last 4 years in Southern PG, but none that I am aware of.