Sports Trivia



I was speaking with my Dad tonight about football, etc... and he said, he's been racking his brain on who was the quarterback for Green Bay before Bret Farve, all he can think of is Bret Star and there's a 15-20 year gap in between there :lol: I tried to think of ANY and drew a blank too. I have now spent half an hour trying to google it and can't find any answers :crazy: :banghead: Anyone recall any? :shrug:


Was it Tomzcak? (sp?)

I don't recall but I know who you are talking about, all I could find was Milkowski or something like that for 1991 - that's it :whack: When talking to my Dad who's been racking his brain (which is rare in football) I thought maybe Dilfer swung through for a year or two... I just can't think of who and am too racking my brain. I'll search for Tomzack and see what I come up with Thanks!! :clap:


Well I looked him up - basically he's from 1987 through 1991 - four years.. :lol: Just have 17 more years to answer :lol: He's not internet or computer friendly so I told him, no problem I'd look it up, I had no idea what a needle in a haystack this would be :crazy: :lol: