Spot Lightin'



Heard on the scanner last night(12:30a.m.) they busted a couple of people doing the no-no. They had 2 Black powder rifles, 12 ga. slug gun, and a Rem. 270 auto. Think it was near Mt. Zion road. These are the kind of buttholes who give us real hunters a bad name. :burning:


Well-Known Member
They get them out here by me all of the time. Several years ago I moved into a house that had been vacant for several months. I was sitting on the front step enjoying some recreational activaties and saw a truck drive down the edge of the field by the house and park at the bottom near the woods and turn the lights out. I happened to have a huge bag of fireworks from South Carolina. I had just set up at the top and when I saw the spotlight come on. I set off a rapid discharge of some BIG exploding stars and boomers....Damn near got run over when they took off though...:lmao:

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I vote for...

...killing deer 24/7/365. On Christmas too.

I want to see a tazer season. Baseball bat. Claymore. Low yield nuke...


Well-Known Member
I carry a spotlight in my car for emergency use as well as on occasion to look at deer especially if they are near the edge of the road or in my path of travel-now a shotgun or rifle and a light at the same time-no way:nono:

edited for review by KK
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Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
I carry a spotlight in my car all the time, mainly for looking at deer-now a shotgun or rifle and a light at the same time-no way:nono:
10-410 of the Natural Resources Article of Maryland Code says -
(e) Hunting at nighttime with lights; casting artificial light from vehicle on woods, wild animals, etc.-

(1) A person or 2 or more persons together may not hunt or attempt to hunt at nighttime any species of wild bird or wild quadruped with a light, including the headlights of any vehicle, and a person may not cast the rays of any artificial light when the rays emanate from a vehicle on any woods, fields, orchards, livestock, wild animals or birds, dwellings, or buildings. The provisions of this paragraph do not apply to the normal use of headlights of a vehicle travelling on any public or private road in a normal manner, to any police, emergency or utility company vehicle using spotlights in the performance of their duties, or to any farmer or landowner on the farmer's or landowner's own or leased land using artificial lights to check on the farmer's or landowner's land, crops, livestock, or poultry. However, raccoons, fox, or opossum may be hunted on foot at nighttime during open season with the use of a dog or light, or both.


Well-Known Member
10-410 of the Natural Resources Article of Maryland Code says -

to any police, emergency or utility company vehicle using spotlights in the performance of their duties-ME:blushing:
any farmer or landowner on the farmer's or landowner's own or leased land using artificial lights to check on the farmer's or landowner's land, crops, livestock, or poultry-ME:blushing:

Thanx KK:howdy:

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
to any police, emergency or utility company vehicle using spotlights in the performance of their duties-ME:blushing:
any farmer or landowner on the farmer's or landowner's own or leased land using artificial lights to check on the farmer's or landowner's land, crops, livestock, or poultry-ME:blushing:

Thanx KK:howdy:
Not to start an argument, but you said "mainly for looking at deer", how is that in the performance of your duties? :tap: If you do it exclusively on your own proprty, knock yourself out.


Well-Known Member
Not to start an argument, but you said "mainly for looking at deer", how is that in the performance of your duties? :tap: If you do it exclusively on your own proprty, knock yourself out.
I edited my post as to not incriminate myself...:whistle:

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
I edited my post as to not incriminate myself...:whistle:
Okay, just didn't want you or anyone else getting into trouble for just using a light. And I agree a light and gun or bow, it's off to jail you go.

Damn it just started coming down like cats and dogs out here, you guys might be getting some rain in a few hours.


Should be Huntin
When I first started driving I would always go out and shine the fields. I would never even think of having a gun in my truck while doing that. I never knew you could get into trouble just for looking :shrug: I thought if it was your intent to hunt then it was illegal.

I still carry a 10 mil candle power in the back of my Suburban, usually to throw in my boat when I go out. Now thats a nice little flashlight:lmao:


I got lost in the mountains in Pennsylvania once while on a camping trip in the middle of winter. Wondered around what turned out to be fire roads for hours. I finally made it to a main road and flagged down the only car I had seen for hours. Turned out to be a guy with very few teeth (like something straight out of Deliverance) and two teenage girls who were out spotlighting deer. I was never so happy to see anyone in my entire life.