Spot the liberal bias!


New Member
Looks like the republican swift boat group are turning out to be liars to me. I think I'll believe the guy who was pulled from the water under fire.


Nothing to see here
Originally posted by Sparx
Looks like the republican swift boat group are turning out to be liars to me. I think I'll believe the guy who was pulled from the water under fire.

Hey Sparx, please ask your handlers why Kerry refuses to release his military records?? I'll wait...TIA


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
How amusing. A group of Vietnam vets criticize and question Kerry, and Kerry goes running to Bush - "Make the bad men stop!!!" Friggin' crybaby. For the record, Bush has nothing to do with the Swift Boat guys - they're allowed free speech just the same as Michael Moore and Whoopi Goldberg.

As far as bias goes, the kicker line is:
At the same time, neither the president nor any of his spokesmen has condemned the ad.

There's no reason for Bush to condemn the ad, so the only reason for the author to put that in there is to make a cryptic "So-and-so refused speak to reporters" insinuation.


Long Haired Country Boy
Ad Free Experience
I wonder...

Maybe Jim Rassmann mistook shrapnel from Kerry's M-79 bouncing around, for enemy fire. We know what a marksman he was...:rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Sparx
Looks like the republican swift boat group are turning out to be liars to me. I think I'll believe the guy who was pulled from the water under fire.

They're not all republicans. And you've got to be kidding. Someone comes along and questions them, and immediately they're lying?

Actually, the guy in the water is probably the guy LEAST likely to know if they were under fire or not.


Super Genius
Ding! Ding! Ding! Vrai wins...or at least mentioned the line I saw.

The article is right...the White House never condemned the ad. They condemned ALL ads by ALL 527 groups and called for Kerry to do the same. The answer from Kerry...silence.


Super Genius
Originally posted by SamSpade
Actually, the guy in the water is probably the guy LEAST likely to know if they were under fire or not.
Something I just thought of along these lines...Rassman's boat had just been blown up by a mine. Would he be able to hear anything? (i.e. gunfire)


Well-Known Member
If you think about it, it's amazing that no one else recalls enemy fire, no one else was wounded, and no damage was done to any swift boat by enemy fire. Rassman says he knew he was being shot at. Where did all those shots actually HIT? How bad a shot do you have to be, to completely miss everything?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by ylexot
Ding! Ding! Ding! Vrai wins...
Yay! I Win!!!

The article is right...the White House never condemned the ad. They condemned ALL ads by ALL 527 groups and called for Kerry to do the same.
I remember seeing something about that but didn't pay a lot of attention to it since 527 groups tend to be predominantly liberal screwballs that I have no interest in.

What gets me about our "news" guys is that they keep equating Bush with the SwiftBoat guys. As far as I've seen, none of the book's authors is out there saying "Vote for Bush", all they're saying is that Kerry isn't the big war hero he's made out to be. And if they're not actively promoting the Bush/SwiftBoat " connection", they certainly don't correct that one doofus who's all over the talk shows defending Kerry and screaming about right-wing conspiracies.



Nothing to see here
Well, the libs are loving this because the longer everyone screams about Vietnam, swiftboats and such, that means no one is looking at 20 yrs of doing nothing in the Senate.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Military people...

...I keep reading about a form 180 that the the people who say Kerry sucks want him to sign which, they say, will make all his military records, including medical, available to the public AND will absolutely clear up whether or not Kerry has, uh, well, polished his resume a bit.

So, all Kerry has to do is say OK, sign the form, and the issue is pretty much settled?


Football addict
Re: Military people...

Originally posted by Larry Gude
...I keep reading about a form 180 that the the people who say Kerry sucks want him to sign which, they say, will make all his military records, including medical, available to the public AND will absolutely clear up whether or not Kerry has, uh, well, polished his resume a bit.

So, all Kerry has to do is say OK, sign the form, and the issue is pretty much settled?

If Kerry was smart he'd release his records, unless he's lying. The American public should know every little dirty secret a presidential candidate has had previous to running.


Dancing Up A Storm
:cool: Brit Hume on Fox News just ran a segment featuring John O'neill, author of the book "Unfit for Command", who said if the president asked him and his Swiftboat group to stop their disparaging remarks about Kerry, he and the rest of his group would ignore it.

"That's tough luck; let the chips fall where they may", he said.

So much for Pres. Bush "letting these men do his dirty work for him".:rolleyes:

Kerry is scared!!


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by BuddyLee
If Kerry was smart he'd release his records, unless he's lying.
He's obviously lying. Otherwise he'd go ahead and release the records and put this thing to rest.

Ann Coulter had a good column this week:

The media will spend weeks going through pay stubs for Bush's National Guard service in Alabama in the waning days of war, but if Kerry tells them exotic tales of covert missions into Cambodia directed by Richard Nixon, they don't even bother to fact-check who was president in December 1968.
Maddening, I tell you - maddening!