Spring Festival?


New Member
I have been searching for a thread about the spring festival for this year but havn't been able to locate it. If there is one, could someone post on it to bring it to the top?? If not, then who is going and what is cool there?


Watch it
sunflower said:
:howdy: I cant say that anything is cool, but I do enjoy walking around and playing games...

I usually bring to kids and then usually regret blowing a bunch of money. :lmao:

I'm strictly going in hopes of the shave ice dude being there.

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
jenbengen said:
I usually bring to kids and then usually regret blowing a bunch of money. :lmao:

I'm strictly going in hopes of the shave ice dude being there.
Do you think they'll have corn dogs?


professional daydreamer
I don't see any info on this. What's it all about? What will be there? Where is it?


New Member
This year the Festival suffered because of the heavy rains Saturday. The car show parade was cancelled and the carnival closed early, forcing the rest of the Festival attractions to close early on the biggest day.
This was the 14th Annual Spring Festival, all done by months of work by volunteers to support many charities in the St. Mary's County area. I hope this year's Saturday wash-out will only entice people to come next May.

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
Bavarian said:
This year the Festival suffered because of the heavy rains Saturday. The car show parade was cancelled and the carnival closed early, forcing the rest of the Festival attractions to close early on the biggest day.
This was the 14th Annual Spring Festival, all done by months of work by volunteers to support many charities in the St. Mary's County area. I hope this year's Saturday wash-out will only entice people to come next May.
Did they have corn dogs?


New Member
Yes, there were corn dogs! Also, Cheese steak, bratwurst, shaved ice, soft-ice cream, seafood, roast beef and chicken salad sandwiches, natchos and more.
Also a petting zoo, commercial vendors, indoor yard sale, Up-The Attic stairs, silent auction, master of the chain saw carver demonstration and auction (bought another bear). Bands on the pavilion, monkey man, etc. Ads were run in the Enterprise, Tester, and they were supposed to be at SOMD online, didn't have time to check though, spent the week at the Fairgrounds and about preparing for the Spring Festival.


New Member
Well I went with the family and had a great time. Lots of fun and and the shaved WAS AWESOME. Thanks to the people who put it together. I look forward to next year!!