Squatters finally leave soldiers home


Smarter than the average bear
PREMO Member
Seems some local bikers and veterans had a little talk with the tenants. Happy ending but too bad the police refused to get involved. Serve and protect.

Julio Ortiz and his girlfriend, Fatima Cardoso, told WFLA-TV that they had a verbal “contract” with a friend of Sharkey’s — who agreed to look after the house — to do work on the property in exchange for staying there. Lisa Pettus, Sharkey’s friend, denied Ortiz’s claim, saying she hired him to do work, never agreed to let him live there, and never left them alone in the house.

Indeed Sharkey tried going through law enforcement to remove Ortiz and Cardoso, but that turned out to be in vain — sheriffs said it’s a civil matter and would take a court order to evict them since they established residency.
