St. Brett!!!


They call me ... Sarcasmo
I hope he gets passed over for the HOF as many times as Art Monk.
Come home with your shield.

Or on it.

Just the chance he might have a good game, that he's willing to wind it up one more time, man.

I'm just trying to hold out hope that he's got another year left in him (though I'm afraid he doesn't). I'm not quite ready to start all over again counting the years at 1 ATB, 2 ATB ...

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I'm just trying to hold out hope that he's got another year left in him (though I'm afraid he doesn't). I'm not quite ready to start all over again counting the years at 1 ATB, 2 ATB ...

The beating he took in the championship game last year, man, that shoulda been it.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I'm just trying to hold out hope that he's got another year left in him (though I'm afraid he doesn't). I'm not quite ready to start all over again counting the years at 1 ATB, 2 ATB ...

On the other hand, unless he gets killed this week or next, how surprised, really, is anyone gonna be if he comes back?


Common sense ain't common
*Cries* I can't even WATCH it cause RIGHT after that sack my Metrocast cable (and from what I'm reading on here, quite a few others) decided to go *POOF*