St Greta Gets Spanked Hard With A History Lesson


PREMO Member

Our Australia correspondent John McMahon was outraged:

[T]his morning from the TV news I note that St Greta the Great prophetess is linking the Australian bushfires to climate change and the "lack of action" apparently by the Australian government.

I quote from immediately below in respect of the history of bushfires in Australia. Peta Credlin has provided an example, certainly not a comprehensive one, of this history:

"The Black Thursday bushfires in Victoria in 1851 killed about 12 people and are thought to have destroyed five million hectares, or about twice the area burnt so far this year in NSW. The 1898 Red Tuesday bushfire, also in Victoria, killed 12 people and destroyed about 2000 buildings. Victorian bushfires across February and March 1926 killed 60 people. The 1939 Black Friday bushfires, also extending over two months, killed 71 people. In another month long Victorian bushfire emergency in 1944, nearly 20 people were killed. In February 1967, the Black Tuesday bushfire in Tasmania killed 62 people. The 1983 Ash Wednesday bushfires in Victoria and South Australia killed 75 people and destroyed about 2500 homes. And the 2009 Black Saturday bushfire in Victoria killed 173 people and destroyed about 4500 buildings".

Read more:

that must have been some Global Climate Warming Change in the last 150 yrs


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
No matter how many correct these "Global Warming/Sky is falling" ####tards, they'll continue spewing their retarded apocalyptic religion.