St. Mary’s 5th -> 6th Grade Graduation Schedule


Opinions are my own...
PREMO Member
Not sure where else to post this...

St. Mary’s County Public Schools announces its schedule of upcoming Fifth-to-Sixth Grade transitional activities. Parents are encouraged to attend the Fifth Grade Parent Night event scheduled for their child’s middle school.

See attached PDF


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graduation? for 5th to 6th grade? since when did this start? whats the big deal? can somebody explain?


Active Member
I agree all this emphasis on meaningless graduation. The only time, I will jump for joy is when my 2 kids graduate with a masters from college. Until then its a pat on their shoulder and getting ready to tackle the next grade.

Go G-Men

New Member
somdebay said:
graduation? for 5th to 6th grade? since when did this start? whats the big deal? can somebody explain?

Went to my son's "Transition" celebration last year at Hollywood Elementary School. It was over 3 hours long and the guest speaker was (all the extreme left wing liberals will like this) some environmental wacko who was basically tellling the parents and children that the trees and the seas were more important than the people... It actually scared me that my son and daughter were being exposed to this lady during field trips etc...

Also every child got some recognition... Whether it was the President Citation, Honorable mention or just the (my favorite) "Overcame Difficult Obstacles" achievement award.. Meaning there was no award but they had to make one up so the kids would not feel bad about not excelling...

I literally had to leave before I could see my son because of work.... unbelievable...


Main Streeter
David said:
Not sure where else to post this...

St. Mary’s County Public Schools announces its schedule of upcoming Fifth-to-Sixth Grade transitional activities. Parents are encouraged to attend the Fifth Grade Parent Night event scheduled for their child’s middle school.

See attached PDF

Thanks for the info. I haven't checked the SMCPS Website in a while. One of mine is starting middle school 07/08.


NOT Politically Correct!!
All my former schools in NYC had graduation ceremonies with awards, back then the DEE DEE DEE's didn't get awards which highlighted there idiot status!!! :jameo:

Go G-Men

New Member
chernmax said:
All my former schools in NYC had graduation ceremonies with awards, back then the DEE DEE DEE's didn't get awards which highlighted there idiot status!!! :jameo:

These days they seem to give out awards for just about anything. What galls me is that everyone in America is looking around and wondering why this newest generation seems to think that regardless of there performance or work ethic they are entitled... This is why they are called the "Entitlement Generation". It seems to me that a little dissappointment and a little bit of motovation (both negative and positive) would go along way in giving these kids some mental strength and a better understanding that if they work hard they will be rewarded if they don't they won't....

It all starts in the elementary and middle schools where they are all "great kids" and always do great things and yada yada yada... Make them responsible and they will be responsible.... Give them an award just "for trying" and all they will do is try...


NOT Politically Correct!!
Go G-Men said:
These days they seem to give out awards for just about anything. What galls me is that everyone in America is looking around and wondering why this newest generation seems to think that regardless of there performance or work ethic they are entitled... This is why they are called the "Entitlement Generation". It seems to me that a little dissappointment and a little bit of motovation (both negative and positive) would go along way in giving these kids some mental strength and a better understanding that if they work hard they will be rewarded if they don't they won't....

It all starts in the elementary and middle schools where they are all "great kids" and always do great things and yada yada yada... Make them responsible and they will be responsible.... Give them an award just "for trying" and all they will do is try...

Well said... :yay:


Main Streeter
David said:
Not sure where else to post this...

St. Mary’s County Public Schools announces its schedule of upcoming Fifth-to-Sixth Grade transitional activities. Parents are encouraged to attend the Fifth Grade Parent Night event scheduled for their child’s middle school.

See attached PDF

Geez! All “David” did was pass on some useful info for parents of current 5 th graders but I seems this has turned into the cry thread. I realize the transition between elementary school and middle school has been turned into something more than it was years ago but come on….. If it’s that important, get involved with your kids school and make a difference. I’ve done it. It takes effort but it works.

I guess it’s true… a #####’n sailor is a happy sailor.