Does anyone know if they will come get a wild animal out of my attic or should I call an exterminator?
czygvtwkr said:Does anyone know if they will come get a wild animal out of my attic or should I call an exterminator?
blitz10 said:wildlife rescue will come and get it # in phonebook
czygvtwkr said:All I can find is Animal Control and Wildlife Refugee, is that what you are talking about?
Pasofever said:Tell me what you have and I will tell you what to do..
Exorcist, that's how it starts.czygvtwkr said:Does anyone know if they will come get a wild animal out of my attic or should I call an exterminator?
Pasofever said:Most rescues will NOT come out and catch you have to catch and take them to them...Why not buy or borrow a catumalive trap and catch them and relocate them yourself? I had 2 in my barn and that is what I did..only took them 2 miles down the road..never saw them again...good luck
czygvtwkr said:Well ok, anyone know a good exterminator?
czygvtwkr said:Well ok, anyone know a good exterminator?
Mousebaby said:I have a dog that LOVES to catch some squirrel!! We can turn him loose in your attic for a bit and see what he comes up with! :shrug:
greyhound said:My greyhounds are great squirrel catchers.
protectmd said:Exactly what sort of "wild animal" do you have in your attic, or what do you think it is? Not to pry, but people have been known to keep everything from full grown tigers to poisonous snakes in their house, then when they realize that the pet is either too expensive to feed or too dangerous they decide that they must find a way to deal with it...
If its a mammal you might want to be careful because it might be infected with rabies. Rabies shots are no fun. Me personally I would deal with the thing with rapid fire semi auto high power pellet pistol. Tactical, surgical, safe removal of the vermin. Anything nastier than that, I would deploy fumigation of some sort, or just call someone. I'd also go about it wearing nothing less than welding gloves and some sort of mask... especially if you plan on catching the animal to release back into the wild? I don't know. Calling anyone other than animal control for removal may be costly... There are cheaper more effective ways of dealing with the problem.