SMCM St. Mary's College of Maryland Joins the Physics Teacher Education Coalition

St. Mary's College of Maryland Joins the Physics Teacher Education Coalition Michael Bruckler August 26, 2019 - 10:00 am
August 26, 2019
Physics Teacher Education Coalition logo pictured

St. Mary's College of Maryland has joined the Physics Teacher Education Coalition (PhysTEC). Member institutions are committed to improving the education of future physics teachers.

According to Angela Johnson, professor of educational studies and director of teacher education, “At St. Mary’s College, we actively seek aspiring physics teachers. We do this through ongoing recruitment, continuing attention to the rigor and inclusiveness of the physics department, and ongoing investment in 21st century teacher education.”

The St. Mary's College physics department received the American Physical Society's 2017 Award for Improving Undergraduate Physics Education. The department was featured as a role model in the national report, “Phys21: Preparing Physics Students for 21st Century Careers.”

The Masters of Art for Teaching program has received accolades from the Maryland State Department of Education; MAT alumni have received numerous teaching awards and gone on to positions of school leadership as well as further graduate education.