St Marys County Sample Ballot


..if momma ain't happy...
Looks like only one question to vote on, but it surely has me confused.

They state what you're asked to vote on (reproductive rights) and what the current law is.

As I read it, current law says up to viability. Looks like new law removes any time limits. Am I reading that correctly?


Well-Known Member
The current law can always be changed, this question ammends the consitution so that the state can never restrict the murder of the unborn at anytime.


..if momma ain't happy...
I read "viability" to read something less than 25 weeks.

I had a granddaughter born at 25 weeks, she was 2 days past where they would even try to save her. Had she been born before that, the docs would have just let her go as being too underdeveloped.

Today she is a happy, healthy 17 yr old. Wears glasses, but so do mom and a brother. Drives her parents crazy, just like any 17 yr old girl.


Well-Known Member
It doesn't really matter how we vote in St. Mary's . the eastern Shore, or Western Maryland.

The Washington-Baltimore corridor of DC refugees runs the state.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Looking at the actual act that passed, so that the amendment can be voted upon, it states
“Question ____ Constitutional Amendment

The proposed amendment confirms an individual’s fundamental right to an individual’s own reproductive liberty and provides the State may not, directly or indirectly, deny, burden, or abridge the right unless justified by a compelling State interest achieved by the least restrictive means.”
So, that has me wondering, since they do not limit who it applies to other than "individual", if males also will have that fundamental right?

Could this amendment lead to a scenario where a woman is forced to abort if the male doesn't want a child or force a woman to carry to birth a child that they don't want but the male does?


Well-Known Member
Looking at the actual act that passed, so that the amendment can be voted upon, it states

So, that has me wondering, since they do not limit who it applies to other than "individual", if males also will have that fundamental right?

Could this amendment lead to a scenario where a woman is forced to abort if the male doesn't want a child or force a woman to carry to birth a child that they don't want but the male does?
I believe you can forget any male in America or Maryland getting such a right.


If I may ...
For your consideration ...

Looking at the actual act that passed, so that the amendment can be voted upon, it states . . .

Another question is, what ever would/could be considered an event that would, "abridge the right unless justified by a compelling State interest."

It is really weird to legislate complete free reign for women to get an abortion up to a full term birth, via a constitutional amendment, while attaching unknown strings or conditions. Also, I've always read/heard, somewhere, that Rights cannot be abridged or restricted, so says many courts, including SCOTUS. So on the one hand the legislature is codifying a new "Right", but at the same time, the State could restrict or deny that same "Right" if they so choose by some unwritten and undefined compelling justification?


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
County voting statistics can be found here.