St. Mary's County Superintendent Patricia Richardson online at 1 p.m. Today


Asperger's Poster Child
I'm not defending the superintendents' salaries, but I bet that Richardson and Horsman make more that Jim Richmond in Charles because those two hold doctorates in education and Richmond doesn't.


Asperger's Poster Child
David said:
"Richmond's base salary now is $224,400, making him the third-highest-paid public schools superintendent in Maryland.

:blushing: Sorry, I didn't know that.


"Fill your hands you SOB!
It just totally frustrates me about the supplies we have to send in with the kids. This is the first year I got a "second" list. I was told at open house that "the list that is at Staples/WalMart/etc.. is not always is what we REALLY need..." - of course AFTER I already put out mega-dollars for the original list. :burning:


jack of all trades
Voter2002 said:
It just totally frustrates me about the supplies we have to send in with the kids. This is the first year I got a "second" list. I was told at open house that "the list that is at Staples/WalMart/etc.. is not always is what we REALLY need..." - of course AFTER I already put out mega-dollars for the original list. :burning:

just a part of education... can't expect the schools (or the teachers) to supply ALL the consumables

oops, missed the part about "wrong list"... that would get me mad also..


David said:
According to the Washington Post on June 13, 2004:

"Superintendent Patricia M. Richardson in St. Mary's County earns a base salary of $141,200, according to a contract amendment from last year. Calvert Superintendent J. Kenneth Horsmon makes $135,000, his contract said. Calvert and St. Mary's have enrollments smaller than that of Charles."

I think that it is important for people to know what people in public positions are earning. After all, it is your hard earned money. I've also found it helpful to research what the CEO and President earn at any charity you plan to empower with your donations.

For example, according to the Council of Better Business Bureau, Inc. (, the base salary of the president of the American Red Cross, Marsha Johnson Evans, who began her position on August 5, 2002, has a base salary of $450,000 annually. The following is also noted by, "During the fiscal year ended June 30, 2002, Dr. Bernadine Healy, the former American Red Cross CEO, had a total compensation of $1,921,913. This compensation amount includes $352,283 for the six-month period ended 12/31/01, her last day in the position, plus $1,569,630 for severance." I would rather donate my money to an organization that pays their employees a modest salary more in-line with their stated humanitarian or educational mission.

:jet: That is unreal. Thanks for the information David.


Yo Gabba Gabba
Kain99 said:
She chose to answer the easy questions... No suprise. :shutup:
It appears to me that she didn't even answer most of the questions, just gave the usual run-around and facts and figures to try to confuse the reader.


All of the replies seem to be standard out of the box answers. The problem I see is that she believes the drivel she is spouting.


Asperger's Poster Child
I met her years ago when she was a school principal. Maybe it's the nature of being in the top job, but she seems more overcontrolled these days.


Asperger's Poster Child
Compared to the size and salaries of administrative staffs in the big-city school systems, Richmond's salary looks like tip money.

I've often said that school systems have no business keeping educators sitting on their butts at the central office. What a waste of the training they've had. If they'd rather be in the central office than working with kids, then they shouldn't have become teachers in the first place. That's why I favor the mentor teacher solution--give the veteran teachers opportunities for promotion while still keeping them in the schools.