St. Mary's County


Working for the weekend
You know you're from st. mar'ys county when.....

--You give directions by telling the person, you will pass X amount of farms

--You know how to catch, clean, and eat a blue crab, you can also tell the difference between a female and a male

--You know where Chaptico Market is

--You know going to 7D is like going back in time

--More than half of your family lives in the county

--You recognize the last names Abell, Tennyson, and Thompson

--You went to the national zoo, saw all the monuments, and went on the skipjack fieldtrips while you were in school

--More than half of your senior class went to Towson, Frostburg, or Salisbury

--You know that there are really only three main towns, Mechanicsville, Leonardtown and Lexington Park

--Your parents work for the government in DC or the base, or on a farm

--You know what Cow Pie High and Ghetto Mills are

--If you went to Cow Pie High you were damn proud to sign the barn as a senior

--You know that rumors will spread faster than wildfire, they will get back to the county in the blink of an eye even if you are far away

--You go to Ocean City for senior week

--You eat and/or know someone who works at Captain Leonards

--If you went to senior week everyone finds out what happened at senior week before you even get back

--When you graduated from high school you were so happy to leave the county, and when you left you found your self missing it

--You cried when HFS was taken of the air

--You know Hollywood and California are not on the west coast

--You know that Hyperspace has nothing to do with NASA

--You can count more than 20 people who are deeply in love with NASCAR

--When you were little you either played or cheered for pigskin football

--If you didnt play pigskin you played soccer for Parks and Rec

--You get off from school even if there is a dusting or even no snow on the ground

--You think 90% humidity is a dry day

--You count on the day off for the County Fair

--You know how dirty the Cheasapeake Bay really is

--And last but not least when you go places you refer to your hometown not as Leonardtown, Mechanicsville, or Great Mills but as St. Mary's County


No Longer the Kid
Im proud to be a county boy :)~ I just wish it would go back to the 80's ways and get rid of all the city folk around here....its gettin to crowded


Working for the weekend
Softballkid said:
Im proud to be a county boy :)~ I just wish it would go back to the 80's ways and get rid of all the city folk around here....its gettin to crowded
Yeah, I really miss those drive-in windows at those bars too!! :cheers:


Working for the weekend
Only in St. Mary's could you get a double jack and coke to go with a learner's permit!!
Yes, I really did!!


No Longer the Kid
haha....sweet :cheers: I loved it around here when I was growin up, 2 stop lights in the whole county...PLENTY to do WITHOUT have target walmart and all that other crap they brought in...and you could go out an have a good time without havin to deal with all these punks that are always tryin to fight everyone


I wanna be a SMIB
When I first moved here you could drive up to "International" on Great mills rd and order a rum and coke or whatever drink and they would hand you a red solo cup filled with your fav drink and away you drove. Cant imagine why I now drink so much.


Would THIS face lie?
jazz lady said:
:poorbaby: Too many blackouts to count, huh? :lol:

I spent a few evenings at both of those "fine" establishments. :dance:

I think I am too young to remember them..... :whistle:
I spent quite a few evenings there too (I think)


aka Mrs. Giant
Is it sad that except for the high school senior week stuff, it all applies to me too? :mightneedtomoveoutofcompton:


migtig said:
Is it sad that except for the high school senior week stuff, it all applies to me too? :mightneedtomoveoutofcompton:
House for sale right next door to me!