So I needed a little work done on my back. Dr Zahir did the operation. Love that guy. But I wanted to give a public acknowledgement to the staff up there. I was cared for above and beyond, My first ever overnight stay. Every singe interaction with anyone was a joy. Super cheerful always informative, and constantly asking what they could do for me.
From intake at OR til the super nice Courtney wheeled me down to the car, my experience was much better than I expected.
Good to know, Ive booked my stay at St Mary's for Nov 5th, probably 3 days and will have the privilige to meet all the same people you met. Dr. Z is doing my back also, L5, what a great guy, he tried everything possible to avoid surgery. He's great at explaining exactly what he is going to do, he's called the house to see how I was doing, after not hearing from me for awhile, at that time I was still under going the shots from the Pain Management folks over in Calvert (another good group of Doctors, Phyiscal Thearpy and Pain Management).
You get nervous about having surgery, (Ive had a few other smaller surgeries before, couple of hernia's and foot surgery) especially something like your back, but he has put me so much at ease, I cant wait to get it done. Ive had pain now for almost 4 years from a pinched nerve at the L5 area, been to several doctors and not until I saw Dr. Zahir did he start looking to see where the pain was coming from, instead of giving me pain pills and saying, come back in a month or two. He really took the time to find the real problem.
Ive only had one experience with St, Marys, and that was to get a staple in the head to close a cut in the ER. Ive always dealt with Civista, so its good to know ghls837 that you speak so highly of your stay there. Hope to meet Courtney when see wheels me out on my way home.