St. Mary's Hospital Question


New Member
I am due in 13 days and was wondering if anyone knew if St. Mary's Hospital had wireless capabilities? My husband is in the military so most of our friends and family are out of town. I would like for us to be able to send out an email with some pictures after our "little one" arrives but wasn't sure if the hospital had internet access. We forgot to ask during our tour of the maternity ward.



Well-Known Member
myers27 said:
I am due in 13 days and was wondering if anyone knew if St. Mary's Hospital had wireless capabilities? My husband is in the military so most of our friends and family are out of town. I would like for us to be able to send out an email with some pictures after our "little one" arrives but wasn't sure if the hospital had internet access. We forgot to ask during our tour of the maternity ward.

they have a new arrivals site.....


New Member
Im pretty sure they do. When I had my daughter at Civista I had to sneak the laptop into my room though. Good Luck!!


New Member
If you know how to set up your wireless adapter to connect to our access points it *is* available (no keys or anything needed). We are just not supporting it atm since it hasn't been made public.. and my apologies.. I probably misspelled Brian!
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New Member
GoodEatsFan said:
If you know how to set up your wireless adapter to connect to our access points it *is* available (no keys or anything needed). We are just not supporting it atm since it hasn't been made public.. and my apologies.. I probably misspelled Brian!
I would have bet the parents misspelled it :shrug:


I bowl overhand
GoodEatsFan said:
If you know how to set up your wireless adapter to connect to our access points it *is* available (no keys or anything needed). We are just not supporting it atm since it hasn't been made public.. and my apologies.. I probably misspelled Brian!
Why would they allow wireless internet on the ward and in the rooms, but there are signs everywhere saying NO cell phones?

Of course you could set up a webcam in the delivery room, and broadcast the birth on You'd be the first!


Well-Known Member
itsbob said:
Why would they allow wireless internet on the ward and in the rooms, but there are signs everywhere saying NO cell phones?

Of course you could set up a webcam in the delivery room, and broadcast the birth on You'd be the first!
Cell phones are allowed in the rooms. I think there is only one section where they are not allowed. :shrug:


New Member
itsbob said:
Why would they allow wireless internet on the ward and in the rooms, but there are signs everywhere saying NO cell phones?

Of course you could set up a webcam in the delivery room, and broadcast the birth on You'd be the first!

Cell phone signals supposedly can mess with certain equipment.. we use wireless access points already for laptops our medical staff uses so it's nothing new that could mess with equipment.


I bowl overhand
sockgirl77 said:
Cell phones are allowed in the rooms. I think there is only one section where they are not allowed. :shrug:
Actually, you get off of the elevators, take a right to go into the Maternity ward and there is sign right there next to the door, and I belive on the opposite wall when you get off of the elevator.. NO Cell Phones


I think cellphones are a bit different. While I stayed at CMH, they had signs saying no cellphones but let me and the person next to me have the wireless password so that we could be on laptops. They have a wireless router/server.

I think cellphones work differently somehow that adversely affects the machines... don't ask me how, I think its all weird... kind of like at Southern States in Charlotte Hall someone there has a pacemaker... the sign doesn't read NO CELL PHONES, the sign on the door reads No NEXTEL cell phones as that one in particular affects his pace maker. I think cell phones may operate differently or may have a different component in them maybe :shrug:


Back in the saddle
Or maybe it's just a courtesy thing. If your in the hospital and the person down the hall is trying to get some rest and they hear a cell phone ring every 5 minutes, I'm sure it would become annoying.
I had mine the whole time I was in L and D and during my stay afterward. It was on vibrate so nobody would have to listen to it ring. And they never said a word to me about it.