St. Mary's Starz Cheerleading


New Member
I'm looking for info on how to register my daughter for the St. Mary's Starz cheerleading squad. I've looked all over the web and the only site that I found for them has been down for several months. If anyone has a phone number or other info please e-mail me at Thanks, Terri


All Up In Your Grill
sdchickie said:
I'm looking for info on how to register my daughter for the St. Mary's Starz cheerleading squad. I've looked all over the web and the only site that I found for them has been down for several months. If anyone has a phone number or other info please e-mail me at Thanks, Terri

Have you checked with the school she goes to? They usually send flyers home via school when they have tryouts scheduled.

I know some kids who are on that team, I'll do some checking tonight and see what I can find out.