Stamp Collection Question


The Travel Lady
Does anyone know of a person/place/business I can go to to get an appraisal on a stamp collection? I inherited a collection from my grandfather when he passed away and I wanted to know if it was of any actual real value or not. If so I was advised that I should possibly consider insuring it or putting it in a safe deposit box or something like that but I don't want to and can't really afford to do that unless I knew for sure it was worth something. I know nothing about stamps, other then they keep going up it seems, LOL. Thanks to all who respond. I appreciate your help and inpit. Christina


Active Member
Stamp Collection

I am in the same boat. I have a stamp collection left to me that dates way back. Problem is, I dont have time to sit with someone to go thru them all to find out if they are worth anything. Be it my luck I would drop them off to be appraised, and the one stamp worth something wouldbe gone!


The Travel Lady
I did take some time one day and went to the library and checked out a stamp collection book that the professionals use (I forgot the name of it but if you google stamp collecors books it will come up) to check out the stamps and found most to be not the "big money" that I thought they might be. If you have time to do that instead of trying to find someone to sit with or to trust in leaving your stamp collection book with, I would suggest taking a couple hours and looking at a sampling of the stamps you have and seeing if you might have a couple that may be worth something. That is what I was trying to see. I don't think I have a gold mine, but there just may be that 1 stamp in never know. LOL. :) GOOD LUCK!

I am in the same boat. I have a stamp collection left to me that dates way back. Problem is, I dont have time to sit with someone to go thru them all to find out if they are worth anything. Be it my luck I would drop them off to be appraised, and the one stamp worth something wouldbe gone!


Lobster Land
I started collecting stamps in the 50's and spent a bunch of money on them into the 80's. Lost interest and was happy to sell my collection for $250 to someone that was still into it. Gave me great pleasure while collecting but then the pleasure just went away. Tried to concentrate on U.S. a lot but had many from worldwide as well. Learned a lot of history from collecting that made it all worthwhile.