Star Wars...

Larry Gude

Strung Out
...OK, you tech geeks out there, how big a deal was this, the hit on the satellite? Is this a perfect scenario baby step or was this a legit demonstration of the dawning of the age when ICBM's may well be obsolete?
...OK, you tech geeks out there, how big a deal was this, the hit on the satellite? Is this a perfect scenario baby step or was this a legit demonstration of the dawning of the age when ICBM's may well be obsolete?

No techi here, but it seems like it was a pretty easy setup. We'd knew exactly where the target would be and when. Had days to prepare instead of minutes and they were concerned the sea state and winds would keep them from launching. Could they hit 100 ICBMs coming in from several locations? I doubt it. If it was purely a surprise attack with no hightened tensions previously I think we'd be seeing a lot of war heads getting through.
Other than that, I thought it was pretty cool that they blew it up. Neat video.

But was it genuine?


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
And ICBM would be a hell of a lot harder to tag.

Good start though.
But was it genuine?

Are you one of those that think the landing on the moon was done in a Hollywood sound stage? :eyebrow:

J/K.... Definitely a good trick, considering the speeds and distances involved. Being off by the slightest of margins is a miss, and a huge embarrassment.