Starship Test 7


Power with Control
They switched to "a commercial" long before the loss event. 2nd channel was fine.
So a timeline. on the SpaceX feed.

7:40 - Catch is full screen still from all angles. First sea level (small) engine goes out early.
8:04 - We see a few seconds from on the ship, then back to the tower. Then you see two more engines, one seal level and one vaccum, go.
8:18 - Fourth engine goes
8:25 - Fifth engine goes telemetry stops.

Were they still getting ship video? Most likely. Will we see it? I think so at some point. Not sure what reason from not going back to the ship. Internal call, maybe NASA or FAA request? I cant say they cut the feed because of that one engine or not. They had one engine on the booster die on the way up. It came back during the boostback relight though, so I'm not sure one engine dying would be enough to cut the feed.

The guys from NSF were saying folks down in the Caribbean are posting videos on X of debris falling out of the sky.
