Starving Horses Seized at Va. Farm


I love her wild,wild hair
I bought my first horse because he was starved for $200. He was the opposite of everything I wanted in a horse. He was a thoroughbred off the track, he was a flea bitten gray and he looked like a camel with a hump. Didn't know what trails were all about, walked into trees, laid down in puddles and had tying issues but turned out to be the best riding horse anyone would want to own. Twenty some years & hundreds of pounds later, I buried him on my farm, deep in my heart and always in my thoughts. Don't know where that horse trader got him but I heard he was kept in a small pen with only leaves and acorns to eat. I bought him because I felt so sorry for him. I always wondered about his story before I got him, never did find out anymore. I tried to trace his tattoo but was unsuccessful. How can anyone starve an animal? :bawl:
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New Member
that first link didnt work for me so here ya go lets try this one: - nation, world, technology and Washington area news and headlines

a couple friends of mine and myself, we rescued a horse that was probably a 2 on that body weight scale. all the other horses (and rodeo bucking bulls...) on the property were fat and happy but this poor throroughbred was skin and bones and the sweetest horse you ever met. we snuck down to their barn one day while no one was home to check him out, he was so pitiful and just wanted his ears scratched. then on our way up to the house, a huge dump truck pulled in with a load of wood. it was the next door neighbor, said the owner would be back soon so we waited. he appeared to be a sweet as pie too and took us down to see the horse after we told him we were interested in purchasing him. next day we came back with the horse trailer and that horse got on that trailer just as fast as he could. we dewormed him before he stepped in the barn. it was a week before he was strong enough to climb the hill to get to the turnout pasture.

The crazy thing was trying to pay for the horse! Apparently my friend let slip to the owners wife that she might have called the humane society if all the other horses looked like him. wellllll that got the owner mad....and he called and cussed her out on the phone and said he was taking the horse back (we had him on trial..) thing is that he didn't know where we had taken the horse!! an idiot in more ways than one.... so my friend and I secretly talked to the wife and were able to meet her at a horse show and hand over $500 which the husband thought was too little for the starving horse now that we liked him so much.... never heard from them again....

that horse smelled like cow crap for a month! didn't help that we got him in november and couldn't bathe him as were were in ohio! but he was fit as a fiddle by the spring. strategy, beet pulp, and fat cat. we had a silly hih jump competition and he jump 4'6" or 9"


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New Member
"It may be pure ignorance as opposed to be pure evil. I can't comment on that. I just knew that these horses needed to be removed," Veterinarian Mitchell Rode, who runs Equine Medical Services in Berryville said.

I think its pure evil!!!!!

I also hate to hear that someone is so cruel as to starve a horse. Unfortunately I know one person who didn't have money & was starving her horses. (IMHO, she still doesn't feed them enough.) I'm also concerned about the weight of some other horses I know...but the vet has been by to see them. *shrug*

Plus, I found out that a farm near where I board my horses had some people who didn't take care of/feed their horses. I think about 10-20 were taken this past week in PG county from the place. They were turned in by another lessee of the property (who does take good care of his 3). The person who turned them in was sorry he didn't do it sooner, but was trying to help out the couple and their horses as much as he could.

I hope all the horses do well. But I'm also afraid this will happen more as hay prices go up even further. :frown:


New Member
This is something not so new in that area where these horses were found... It is close to Charles Town, I'm willing to bet that there will be a trainer involved in this mess from CT... I "rescued" a horse from down there a few years ago... he was in the same condition as these horses... I couldnt find out where the farm was, and begged the horses legal owner to press charges. (He was being charged training fees for a horse at the trainers farm who was being starved)... now wondering if it's the same guy... should be interesting when they release all the names, if they ever do...

I see the farm owners name has been released so far. Of course he is putting the blame on others.


New Member
I bought my first horse because he was starved for $200. He was the opposite of everything I wanted in a horse. He was a thoroughbred off the track, he was a flea bitten gray and he looked like a camel with a hump. Didn't know what trails were all about, walked into trees, laid down in puddles and had tying issues but turned out to be the best riding horse anyone would want to own. Twenty some years & hundreds of pounds later, I buried him on my farm, deep in my heart and always in my thoughts. Don't know where that horse trader got him but I heard he was kept in a small pen with only leaves and acorns to eat. I bought him because I felt so sorry for him. I always wondered about his story before I got him, never did find out anymore. I tried to trace his tattoo but was unsuccessful. How can anyone starve an animal? :bawl:

Wish I knew how to give "Karma." Doesn't matter though--you've already earned the truly important kind, which comes from a horse's love.


New Member
I found the "rest" of the story... People were not who I suspected, but I was less surprised to find out who the owners were... These are the same idiots who had horses at Bowie, the one guy was in the barn next door, and we called AC on him...twice...I guess he lost his stalls at the track and moved to this farm to run at CT...lowlife, I hope they hang him....

Times Community Newspapers - Judge decide horse's custody