State asked to probe strip search.................


Ubi bene ibi patria
"CANTON Stark County Sheriff Tim Swanson has asked the Ohio attorney general to investigate the 2006 arrest, jailing and subsequent strip search of a 47-year-old Salem woman.

The arrest of Hope Steffey on Oct. 20-21, 2006, was featured in Channel 3 news reports last week. Steffey has filed a federal lawsuit against Swanson's office, saying she was assaulted by deputies, denied medical help, strip-searched and left naked for six hours in a jail cell.

The lawsuit is pending in U.S. District Court before Judge David D. Dowd Jr."



Not to diminish what the woman went through, but,

Should your thread title say, "probe" and "strip search" at the same time?:whistle:


"CANTON Stark County Sheriff Tim Swanson has asked the Ohio attorney general to investigate the 2006 arrest, jailing and subsequent strip search of a 47-year-old Salem woman.

The arrest of Hope Steffey on Oct. 20-21, 2006, was featured in Channel 3 news reports last week. Steffey has filed a federal lawsuit against Swanson's office, saying she was assaulted by deputies, denied medical help, strip-searched and left naked for six hours in a jail cell.

The lawsuit is pending in U.S. District Court before Judge David D. Dowd Jr."
Call 911 looking for help ended up the victum

just goes to show cops can claim any damn thing they want and your always wrong , just because its the "MAN's" word againist yours - after all Cops dont lie :whistle:

that sucks ....... somebody is going to get paid, and others will be going to jail / losing their jobs ......... WTF: left naked for 6 hrs in a cell ........ :smack:
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New Member
Ouch ........ did you forget the :sarcasm: ?

care to explain why you think she is lying ?
It appears the room she was being put in was an observation room which you put people who have displayed a propensity to hurt themselves. I don't know if this is the case with this or not, but it would make sense. When you put someone in this room, you strip them naked, so they can't use their clothing to hurt themself, ie; make a noose with a shirt or pant leg.

IF she was saying she was going to hurt herslf or was banging her head in the cruiser, then this is something someone would have done.

There does seem to be more to this story. Why did she give the wrong identification? Also, although she may have been assaulted, that doesn't mean she wasn't the aggressor. The charge was disorderly conduct and resisting arrest. Seems she had some problems.

Also, on a routine call for service, an officer usually won't turn their dash cam on, so the defense making an issue of this doesn't make sense.


It appears the room she was being put in was an observation room which you put people who have displayed a propensity to hurt themselves. I don't know if this is the case with this or not, but it would make sense. When you put someone in this room, you strip them naked, so they can't use their clothing to hurt themself, ie; make a noose with a shirt or pant leg.

IF she was saying she was going to hurt herslf or was banging her head in the cruiser, then this is something someone would have done.

There does seem to be more to this story. Why did she give the wrong identification? Also, although she may have been assaulted, that doesn't mean she wasn't the aggressor. The charge was disorderly conduct and resisting arrest. Seems she had some problems.

Also, on a routine call for service, an officer usually won't turn their dash cam on, so the defense making an issue of this doesn't make sense.

I guess cops and criminals see this video the same

only the average citizen sees it as wrong?
wonder what her wrap sheet looks like?



she presented false id right at the beginning.

she was resisting in the video

and you only got half a video presented with no other evidence.

Her deceased sisters ID ...... Hmm maybe she was so distraught she grabbed the wrong one ....... Hmm why was she carrying her deceased sisters ID - maybe in remembrance ? .... easily cleared up with a question from the Cop - are you sure this is your ID, It does not look like you ?

I believe the word here is "INTENT" was she intentionally trying to mislead the police officer after4 all she allegedly called 911 ..... or did she make an honest mistake ?
