He has to be very careful because once you break a hip it's all over.
But remember when Trump walked carefully up the slippery ramp and the media went crazy calling him a doddering old man?
Yeah - I remember - and I have BEEN IN THAT EXACT situation and I'm not in my seventies - yet. Nor was I when it happened.
I've BEEN walking on a wet ramp in dress shoes, and without those little corrugated bumps, it's slippery as hell. Heck, my front porch is dangerous right after it rains - and I do the same. WHY? Because more than once I DID NOT grab the rail and walk carefully - and my back can tell you about it.
The kind of folks defending his feeble behavior have to be either - aware of it, but don't want to talk about it - or severely self-deluded. He's old - my FIL was also that way, at a considerably YOUNGER age - and he DID suffer from cognitive decline. It's why I can see it so easily.