State of Union


Well-Known Member
Vote early, vote often.

Actually, that sounds like a lot of video games. Save early, save often, lest your game crash and you lose a lot of progress.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
Anyone going to watch?

Yeah, me either :yawn:
Last one I watched was the Pelosi-ripping one.

I rarely watch them at all any more, regardless of party. They're meaningless. The President will make a political speech full of his accomplishments, and a LOT of material on new proposals - which I've watched for years and noticed - they usually NEVER happen - and the President will tell us the State of the Union is strong.

It's wandered far afield from the Consitutional mandate that he deliver a state of the union to Congress - which can simply be on paper - or simply, privately, in person - to a public spectacle which was on radio by 1922 and on TV by 1947.

This is the latest SOTU I can recall.


..if momma ain't happy...
I want to watch 10 minutes, just to see how wired they have him. The last 10 minutes will probably be entertaining, I'll catch that when the news starts rerunning parts and pieces.


Well-Known Member
I cannot submit myself to watching this old man stumbling and mumbling while lying his ass off about his accomplishments which in reality are have set America back so far it will take years to correct if indeed it can ever be corrected.. I would rather be lancing a boil on my dick than watching.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
I want to watch 10 minutes, just to see how wired they have him. The last 10 minutes will probably be entertaining, I'll catch that when the news starts rerunning parts and pieces.
They'll have to be some good amphetamines.

Here lately he's been moving like the old Tim Conway character on Carol Burnetts show.



Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Maher described his walk was like a toddler walking with a full diaper.

He has to be very careful because once you break a hip it's all over.

But remember when Trump walked carefully up the slippery ramp and the media went crazy calling him a doddering old man?


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
He has to be very careful because once you break a hip it's all over.

But remember when Trump walked carefully up the slippery ramp and the media went crazy calling him a doddering old man?
Yeah - I remember - and I have BEEN IN THAT EXACT situation and I'm not in my seventies - yet. Nor was I when it happened.

I've BEEN walking on a wet ramp in dress shoes, and without those little corrugated bumps, it's slippery as hell. Heck, my front porch is dangerous right after it rains - and I do the same. WHY? Because more than once I DID NOT grab the rail and walk carefully - and my back can tell you about it.

The kind of folks defending his feeble behavior have to be either - aware of it, but don't want to talk about it - or severely self-deluded. He's old - my FIL was also that way, at a considerably YOUNGER age - and he DID suffer from cognitive decline. It's why I can see it so easily.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
He has to be very careful because once you break a hip it's all over.

But remember when Trump walked carefully up the slippery ramp and the media went crazy calling him a doddering old man?
That's how I walk when I go out in the rain in my worn out Crocs.


Well-Known Member
Comedy central
I suspect it will be raucous in the peanut gallery. One can only stand so much bullshit and blame for what the bastard has done.